Tuesday, January 6, 2009

And the murder of Children and Women continues !!

Here is our daily dosage from dead children and women who did nothing in their lives except they were born Palestinians and they are living in Gaza.

You know I am so pissed off from the claims that Hamas is the reason because it put its stuff or what ever beside the civilians , well this is invalid argument especially when Israel forbidden weapons as usual  !!

The safety of the State of Israel won’t be on the expense of the small children and old women bodies.

80 years old woman whom I bet she saw a lot in her life , she saw the free Palestine then the war of 1948 then how the sector became under Egyptian role then the invasion of 1967.  I wonder how many of her families were killed by the IDF through out her years

From 80 years old granny to one year old baby !!

Cheaper by the siblings !!!!  Another 4 siblings from one family

Another Family

Where is  the UNICEF from what is happening in Gaza ?? Are not these Children !!??


  1. i reverent the way you cover that sad situation we face in the Arab world under the violent of the Israels people , keep the good work and god plus us and all our brother in Palestine.

  2. what about a small town like israeli sderot suffer because of kassam rockets and has concrete shelters in the middle of kids schools?

    Earth is a place for humans to Live and Die in peace, please re think, you are born as a human and these nations are pure evil creations of people with selfish goals, just because we are born in a town, city, country it does not mean that it belongs to us coz when we die we cannot take it away with us. Heopefully the day is not far when we will be known as fellow human beings and not racial, political, ecomic or relegious boundaries..........



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