Friday, January 9, 2009

John Stewart on Gaza


To tell you the truth I do not put too much hope on the Obama administration after all Hilary is his state of secretary. Anyhow back to Stewart , I love the way he makes fun of how the American media biased to Israel. But this is not the first time or the last.It has always been the case in the American media.


  1. I was really unhappy with the Hillary as Sec of State pick. But Haaretz and the Guardian UK are reporting that Obama will engage Hamas beginning with low-level diplomacy, unlike Bush who did the completely impractical thing that damaged Israel and the Palestinians.

    Anyway, with Hillary as the Sec of State, she has instant credibility as to Israel. (Guess that photo-op hug with Golda Meir did her a lot of good with Israel) Right now, Israel is paranoid or they wouldn't have taken on this attack right before the new administration. But she may be the only one who can criticize Israel with any credibility without being branded an anti-semite. Obama can't do that because they're still highly skeptical of him, due to past statements and his close friendship with people like Rashid Khalidi and other Edward Said-type minded people. During the election, Israel was one of the countries with the highest support for McCain. So I'm hoping Obama picked Hillary for this reason, so she can show "tough love" to Israel. This is on the speculation of many blogs and journalists i read worldwide on both sides of the issue.

  2. I know that Obama is very critical position now, his cabinet is full of Pro-Israel supporters like Rahem ,he is trying to send a message to Israel but on the other hand he does not want to lose the Islamic world which he already won in the time of the elections unlike any other American President
    His cabinet knows this and that's why he needs to balance between the Arabs and Israel.
    I do not know about Hilary ,can she show a tough love to Israel !!??


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