
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

In Another Universe

The Official Newspapers' headlines focused on Mubarak meeting with the cabinet.It is a normal thing. It is his second meeting with the cabinet since the international financial crisis.
The headlines of these newspapers were his statements about the financial crisis , they were supposedly published so they could calm the citizen who lives in Egypt that is in an equivalent universe not for the Egyptian Citizen who lives in this Egypt on this Earth.
I mean look to these statements
 The Financial crisis is the opportunity of Egypt to attract the Gulf investments !!
We can attract the Gulf Construction companies to invest in Egypt !!
We will not be affected by the Financial crisis !!
Does he read the newspapers ?? I mean if he just reads the Al Ahram newspaper on a daily basis ,he will immediately know that the Gulf Construction companies are already invading Egypt !!
Did someone really understand economics explained to him what the current financial crisis is and how huge it is ??
Did someone explain him the fact that it is better for us to be affected with that crisis because if we don't we will be having a dead economy !!??
How can we attract the Gulf Investments and the Gulf investments now are living on the edge !!??
I know that he is trying to calm the average Mohamed in the Street but the average Mohamed knows that the next coming days will not be as the NDP promotes because even without the world finanical crisis we already have had our own crisis !!??

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