
Friday, October 17, 2008

The trial of the year

Do You know that I am thinking of going tomorrow to the trial of Hisham Talaat Mustafa after the statement of the Judge that the door will be open not only to media but also to the public till the court room is full !!??Of course I know that if I go , I will not find a single chair in the court room from 6 AM thanks to the expected groups of employees and workers who will attend the trial to support their boss Hisham “of course by the orders of their management in TMG just like in Hani Sorror’s trial’

I mean it will be the circus trial of the year , you got the lawyers of Hisham Talaat ,you got the lawyers of Al-Sokary and above them the lawyer Adal Matoq MP Talaat Al Sadat who promised to transfer the trial  from a crime trial to a political one.

The Judge denied the rumors that said that no journalists will be allowed to the court except few chosen.

Al Sadat is promising to turn it in to a political trial accusing Mustafa of spending the Egyptian people money on Tamim,he accused a group he called ‘The Four Season’ group to back up Mustafa . ‘The Four Season group’ is the group of VIP governmental officials who live in the Four Season Nile Plaza building whose small apartment cost L.E 4 Million !! Of course we should not forget Ahmed Ezz bought for his bride Shahinaz Al Nagar a multi million apartment there.He considered the real reason of her murder was because she witnessed the shady business of Hisham Talaat Mustafa and his partners.

On Last Tuesday MP Talaat Al Sadat said that the Prime minister got a $ 15 Million apartment at Four season San Stefano Plaza and he even demanded Nazif to reveal the source of that fortune,after his salary as a prime minister does not allow him to buy a $15 Million apartment !!

Al Sadat talked about the financial scandals considering the deals of TMG , it is well known that TMG had bought the land in Madinaty very cheaply for about L.E 1 for the meter !! can you imagine it ?? I am not surprised after all Hisham and his family are NDPians , highly connected NDPians.

By the way Talaat mentioned that he received threats indirectly from the interior ministry promising him to do what they failed to do in the famous trial of Bani Mazr massacre where Al Sadat defended the man whom the interior ministry accused of committing one of Egypt’s most horrible and enigmatic mass murder crimes in the 21st century. Talaat proved the innocence of that person and the interior ministry could not forget this .Because of those threats it seems that Talaat insisted that the TV show of Wael Al abrashi where he said all that to be aired on Friday before the trial “on Saturday” other he would not go to the court , I do not know if Sadat was playing the role of coward or not ,I mean he accused late Abu Ghazla indirectly of assassinating his uncle and he did not give a damn !! The TV show original Time is Sundays not Fridays.

We will wait for Tomorrow’s big circus.


  1. Hmmm... $15M apt?? Did you mean 15M EGP?!
    Talaat El-Sadat isn't that decent either. They are all among those who don't pay the bill...

  2. hey, do not forget me there. I am depending on you to have the detailed news about the trial. I know it gonna be a circus

  3. @Hina wi Hinak,I wish it was in L.E
    Talaat defended himself in front of that allegation and that he asked the prices of Madinaty villas and was shocked to know that they are for L.E 6 Million , I feel that Talaat is in this trial to avenge from Ahmed Ezz

    @He and she , you got what you want , it was a circus for sure


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