
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Another Egyptian Ship hijacked by the Pirates of Somalia

Today Egyptian Cargo ship “Blue Star” and its crew “28 members” were hijacked in the red sea by Somali pirates in the early morning of Thursday.

“Blue Star” was carrying 6,000 tons of Urea and according to some sources the ship is currently under the mercy of 15 armed Somali pirates.

Egypt according to an official press release from the transportation ministry informed the EU forces in Britain to handle the situation !!?? The demands of the hijackers have not been declared publicly up till now.

Ok this is another test to the foreign ministry not to the transportation ministry. And the end result will be very big 0 as usual

By the way next month Badr will celebrate its first disappearance anniversary and up till now no one knows its fate !!??


  1. i wonder what Egypt is waiting for to launch a military operation against those ass holes.

  2. this is I have been saying in the past 2 months


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