
Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Neo Holocaust

Today Israel made a victory of the terrorists of Hamas !! The IDF managed to kill a leader from Hamas Dr. Nizar El-Ryan. Of course El-Ryan was not killed alone , he was killed along with his wife and some of his children !!

Of course this is besides the injured and killed from his family and those who lived beside him.

Today the death toll reached to 460 and no need to count the injured because they are increasing on a hourly basis.

Here are some photos from the Neo-Holocaust in Gaza led by the Israeli Defense army ,they are shocking and I am not going to apologize because this is what is happening and it is the truth , it is not a clash between Hamas and IDF like most of the Western media portrays it. It is a genocide

Those two girls were from the victims of the raid on the Ryan’s house. I do not know if they were from kids or not but even if they were his daughters ,they should not have killed in that way !! Again Does Israel think that by killing Children Peace will be achieved !!??

I think that little injured Girl from Gaza will feel towards her Israeli neighbours the same way the Jews feel towards the Nazis , the IDF is her Nazi army.


  1. So tell me something, to me and rest of the civilized world, Israel is the barbarian for doing this. So what's your excuse for showing these photographs? Here's a small experiment that you can do, see who plays around with photographs of dead people? You will see its barbarians who do not know the sanctity of human life. You are a young girl, grow up and be civilised, you can use words rather than these photo's.

    If I put up the photographs of the Israeli children killed, do you think that will mean that the Hamas people are Nazi's? no, it just means that I am a barbarian who does not know what dignity of life and death is.

    So learn, but I very much doubt, you and your kind are barbarians and will remain so...

  2. Z, please ignore the brainwashed evangelical inbred ZioNazi above me. I don't know how a normal person could even classify Israel as part of "the civilized world" after seeing those pictures! The only thing Israel has in common with the "civilized world" is its imported US made army tanks which it uses to kill innocent civilians with. Besides that, the country in it's entirety isn't worth a garbage can from the civilized world. Israel is filled with nothing but Orthodox Jewish fanatics and unemployed ZioNazis living on stolen Jordanian water and American tax welfare.

  3. NeoNazis!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?

    1) i don't remember the victims of the holocaust using rockets.

    2) i don't remember the jew wanting to drive the germans into the north or baltic sea.

    please don't be a fear monger we all know that this gaza situation is fodder for hamas and not for israel!

  4. @anonymous,My excuse is the same like the barbarian photographer who took these shocking photos of these kids : Showing the truth
    Truth always hurts I am afraid .
    and sometimes photos are stronger than words.

    @anonymous#2, strangely the civilized world does not give a damn from these children , man I am glad that I am a barbarian

    @anonymous#3, and yes Hamas is killing its own people for God sake what kind of heart you have , all this genocide and you consider that it is not enough to label the IDF by the Neo Nazi
    does firing rockets and wishes enough to launch this massive attack on children and civilian , do you justify the murder of Childre because of this !!??

  5. @anonymous Man you are an big idiot. Westerners are never moved by words, they are moved by pictures. This is the base of American Media (the Media marketing the anti-truth), so what about when marketing Truth Mr Zionist?

  6. This morning I heard in the greek news channel
    that the egyptian president and his goverment does not allow doctors from greece and turkey to enter gaza and give help to the despert people,the wounded, the suffering.These doctors are surgeons want to give their services to needy humans.THESE DOCTORS ARE PROTESTING.THEY went to egypt in the hope to help.
    In the news from the ERT greek chanel the explanation of the egyptian goverment was that they protecting the doctors.The doctors said we know the danger please allow us to go and help.The egyptian goverment flat out refused.
    does the egyptian people know that? All people for any respect for human life should protest.Go to the streets allow the help these doctors can provide. Also all medicines and food from humanitarians is the the hands of the Israelis.The food or anything has not reach the palestinians for Gods shake Help!!!! Raise your voices help the weak. As an outsider Iam a greek woman leaving in the usa I do not understand your goverments standing?? I am angry,hurt,confuse these people are your next door neighbor how can you the everyday decent people of egypt stand for it??? I believe you most likely do not know about it most likely news like that are kept from the every day news. Am I correct? protest peacefully the world expects you to help.If not We all deserve the worst.GOD HELPS US ALL.
    A concerned fellow human.

  7. Israel has through historical evidence acted in ways consistent with the value of human life. The aggressor is always warned with plenty of time to save themselves. Israel mourns over the innocent who are only pawns for Hammas, and the like. When the people know an attack is immanent and they choose to stay where they are, the blame of deaths rests on those who stay. When you use mosques to shoot from, when you strap bombs on retarded children, it is clear who the aggressor actually is. Israel, a very tiny little piece of land in the midst of Arab countries surround, with Palestinians who crave a home...I have many thoughts that leave me with no clear logical answer. I have only questions: why does not the surrounding Arab countries welcome their Palestinian brethren in? Why does not Egypt? Greece can have a home for Greeks, France can have a home for the French, Switzerland, the Swiss. Italy, mainly Catholics if we move to religion. So, Mulims, followers of Islam, may have Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon etc. But the Jews? A tiny piece of land called Israel. And the Arab world, in general? Wants them dead. Precisely what is it about the 2 million Jews out of the 6 billion people on this planet, that makes them such a pariah, that the Arab world, generally speaking, wants us wiped out? And it is not just Israel. Stated intentions by leaders in the Arab world are to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth. Why? My question by be naive, however, it still needs a logical justifiable answer, that thus far, has not been provided. And never mind, the history...regarding Sadam, his Uncle, the Ba'athists, the Mulsims in Berlin way back when. Someone needs to answer these questions.

  8. If the Palestinians continue to keep Hammas as their government, and Hammas continues to fire rockets indiscriminately into Israel's civilian areas, if Hammas continues to mask their faces, if Hammas continues to base their headquarters in apartment buildings, in neighborhoods, in business areas,who is responsible for the innocent Palestinians dying? If Hammas had any balls, they'd have a base, they'd walk around with out their masks on, be proud, stop hiding in the shadows, they'd use their power and position to protect their innocents not use their innocents as shields. They make me sick.

  9. @Irc President,thank you so much

    @A concerned fellow Greek woman, thank you so much and please know that it is not by our choice in Egypt this is to happen !!

    @anonymus,it is not an excuse , believe me and what if people do not have any other shelter , do you remember the original Qana UN Center in South Lebanon !!??

    @anonymous#2,justify to yourself as you want , but it won't change the truth that Israel is doing another series of war crimes against the people of Gaza


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