Friday, October 23, 2009

Gamal 2.0 Strikes Again

It seems that the NDP policies committee and its secretary believe that fake live meeting between Gamal Mubarak and the NDP’s young generation in the summer was successful that they are going to have another so-called live meeting again on the 25th of October.

On the 25th of October Gamal Mubarak and minister of commerce and industry Rashid Mohamed Rashid are going to meet students leaderships in Egyptian universities “aka the Young NDPian and future foundation members” to discuss the following :

  • The reasons of unemployment
  • The role of IT in combating unemployment
  • How the fresh graduates can have skills that meet with the demands of the market
  • How to encourage the students in studying technical education
  • Why  do graduates wait to work in public sector instead of the private sector
  • The role of media , globalization ..etc in creating new job opportunities !!

In brief he is discussing in a very unrealistic way unemployment and it is clearly from those points mentioned in the website itself that Mr.Mubarak is isolated from the people because he is still asking about the reasons of unemployment and he believes that graduates are still waiting for the public sector job with few hundred pounds per month !!??

This shows why I and other like me “and they are not few” reject him as a president or even as a politician. It is not a bad thing to live in a high standard lifestyle where you never take a public transportation , I have never taken a public transportation bus in my life but I am not isolated from my country or my people like Gamal Mubarak with all due respect and with all the differences between me and him. It amazes me with the kind of information he has access to that he would ask about the reasons of unemployment and how to combat it.

Seriously we speak about Gamal Mubarak is more than succession , it is other thousands things and those points mentioned above which he will discuss shows you a glimpse of why we refuse him.

It is so silly from the NDP to claim that this is an open discussion where as it is prepared from the beginning till the end !!?? It is a closed recorded discussion.

By the way I bet the next natural development for Gamal 2.0 is to appear in Melody Hits in a special show to answer the Egyptian Young generations answers like Barack Obama in 2008 !!


  1. I don't know if you are some nouveau rich feminist woman or what! But stop hating on Gamal Mubarak! If he does not get elected we will have Islamic extremists confistacting the assets of wealthy Christians!!

  2. amen above anon...she actually thinks all the people she rights about will RUN, CONSIDER RUNNING or CONFRONT JIMMY!!!!

    stop your childish posts against THE ONLY MAN THAT CAN RUN THIS BOAT!

  3. Wow our regime is very successful it got everyone to really BELIEVE that it's either them or Islamist that will kill christian men, and rape christian woman, and declare khliafa.

    that's our Regime greatest success,and let's not forget their sidekick the Muslim Brotherhood

  4. We are supposed to be grateful for our dictators generation after generation, protecting us from the unknown outcome of a free election.

  5. Take your JIMMY away of us for God sake and let him run your own boat. We don't need him!

    And do us a favour and stay away off this blog if you don't like what is being said here. Go to SHAREK, JIMMY's shiny appearance will please you there!

  6. I love the way the young generation behind him look! Do you have any more pics???

  7. @Ghafari: Judging by your education (English level) I assume you must be part of the 'capitalist' classes... so why the hate on Mubarak???

  8. So you know well that only those capitalists, and 'am not one of them, like Mubarak... If you are Egyptian and you know the people in Egypt, you will imagine who many people don't like the implemented policies of Mubarak and his son, especially his son's economic policies!

    You hinted to the most important point in the whole matter: Gamal knows only how to deal with the A Class and the elite from the businessmen and serve them even if by selling the whole country!

    That's why the majority in Egypt rejects JIMMY, because they are all poor people whom many of them are under the poverty line and know nothing about the word 'Capitalism'!

  9. To Mubarak lovers above:
    What if the current regime actually creates a space for the Muslim Brotherhood (do you remeber Iran?) even thought Mubarak is much better than Sadat/Nasser

    Ghafari: You know actually nothing about the word capitalism either, otherwise you would not call Mubarak a capitalist.

  10. I do understand the meaning of capitalism - it is a basha society after all, and I bet all of you guys have someone cleaning your car every morning giving the same wages since the 70s...

    I actually prefer Sadat. Those who are nouevau riche would not understand.

  11. everyone supporting jimmy will be rewarded nicely! egypt is poised for a break onto the world scene next to brazil, india and china. his economic agenda is poised to catapult us into the 21ist century.

    those that think the clown heading mayehkoshee will get anywhere, will be deeply disappointed as he does not have a PLAN OF ACTION and neither do the brothers 'with the solution.'

  12. @John Please, just stay aside off this conversation!

    You don't live in Egypt; you don't know the situation of the Egyptian economy. Moreover, you seem don't know anything about Gamal's policies.

    So spare us your precious comments, please!

    This is a last reply!

  13. I did not read through all the comments, but I believe that Zeinobia- you are trying to impose your own Ideology on the readers, I know you are expressing your views, but you should not state your REALIZATION of the next discussion to be made as a scientific proof!!!
    I believe Mr. Gamal Moubarak is an excellent candidate for the next presidential elections and I believe that we should stop looking upon him as the son of the president, but rather as a successful, educated, well spoken man!
    Maybe he was given more chances while being brought up, but that is very normal and if he wants to run, then he should!
    I have seen him in a live discussion in a youth forum before and he is extremely aware and confident and seriously wants to reach out for the Egyptian youth, so please let us consider this approach and look positively upon the initiative carried out by Mr. Gamal Moubarak...

  14. Dear Aliaa, with my all due respect , this is my blog ,this is where I impose my own ideologies freely , this is what blogs are made for, even newspapers in real democratic countries people can speak in the same way , this is called freedom of expression
    What scientific proof you are speaking about , this is not the evolution theory ,this is politics !!
    I do not look to him as the son of the president and I do not know what success he had achieved in his career as an investment banker if we are going to speak seriously so I can judge him.


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