
Monday, November 23, 2009

Alaa Mubarak : Third Time Is The Charm

Alaa Mubarak called again a News night Talk show last night for the third time this week to attack the Algerian Ambassador and express his huge anger from what had happened in Khartoum in that bloody night. This time he spoke to Amr Adib.


  • This time he slammed Al Jazeera Channel along with the Algerian Ambassador in Cairo.
  • He said that the Algerian press criticized his way of talking and that it is not how the Presidents’ offspring should speak ; well then the Algerian press should not count him as a first son but rather a regular citizen especially that they would not understand the President’s offspring language there !!
  • He is speaking in this way to express all those on the cafes and drivers “ The man of the working class.”
  • He did not say that the Algerians were Jews , he respects Algeria as a country.
  • He is a Muslim man who fears God and as a Muslim he respects all religions.
  • He does not want Ambassador Al-Hagar in Egypt “The later refused to apologize”
  • He attacked big NDPian Magdy El-Dakak’s October Magazine  “My favorite's moment”
  • He does not have any political ambition what so ever. “We know that , it is his brother”

I do not know why Alaa Mubarak is speaking to the media suddenly all that time , it is not an attempt to help his brother in his plans because he simply overshadows him.

Is this an attempt to absorb the public anger ? The President’s son is angry and he is speaking the language of people but it is too late to make anything on the official level so Alaa would go on the air and say that he can’t take it anymore and enough is enough ??

Is this a political game ?? Well he said that he is not a member in the party “really !!??” and he does not have any political ambition what so ever plus it is his brother who should beware from his growing popularity ; I will say it again this man managed to created a popularity in the Egyptian street since last Friday his brother failed to create for 10 years now.

Is this a real sincere talk from the heart ?? I know you will think that I am kidding but think in this ; Alaa earlier this year has lost his eldest son and as a person he has not been exposed to such violent experience , he could be moved from inside. Alaa in two calls mentioned how the Egyptian Children who accompanied their families were in danger “he mentioned the story of his friend who was attacked by Algerian hooligans before the match in front of his 6 years old girl and in that call above he mentioned his friend’s son who was there and up till now is suffering from nightmares” .

Also as the son of President Mubarak and despite being the modest down to earth son compared to his brother Gamal Alaa has never been put in such situation. Alaa mentioned that he found the Algerian hooligans in the stadium doing these signs to him and his brother that they would be killed when they were sitting in the VIP box ; the VIP box in Egypt is a real box with protecting glass with fans who come to cheer for football not to threat anyone by anything. On the way to the hotel his convoy passed by those Algerian hooligans then in the hotel till their departure with the national team he began to witness what panic was from the crisis in front of him. I know I sound strange here but I do not think all the time in political conspiracy theories nor I am biased because he is supporting our calls for our dignity ; the dignity which his father did a wonderful job in wasting it for 28 years but I am speaking a person who did not suffer all in his life and suddenly in one year he faces two shocks ; may be the second is nothing compared to the first but the first made him vulnerable at least psychologically to watch for what he is saying. But if he was shaken psychologically , could not they stop him in presidency ; the man actually is creating diplomatic crisis !!?? It has never happened in any country that a first son comes on the air and attacks another country and its ambassador in this way.

I do not get it , I am trying to figure out what behind this openness on the media.

He said that he will speak again and again till something is really done ; I think this means we will hear from him and may be see on TV soon !!


  1. There is no doubt that Alaa Mubarak has the charisma which his brother Gamal lacks. However, after his statement on Amr Adeeb show that he is not qualified and does not want to be a president or even a minister, I seriously doubt that he will be a good president.
    I can't imagine giving my vote to president Obama if he had said that he is not qualified to be a president.
    The real strength of both president Nasser and president Sadat was the fact that they both sought leadership, something that their successor had never shown interest in.
    I just wished that Alaa has not said that statement on the show because I really like the guy.

  2. The World has known the Algearians as the barbarians that they are. the world is a strange place: no good deed goes unpunished. we liberated them from the French occupation; taught them how to read and write; taught their singer and doctors and now, they are ambushing us after a soccer game. congrats parasites.

  3. The recent Algerian violence directed at Egyptian fans and players affirms, beyond the reasonable doubt, that Ban Arab is unfounded and ludicrous. the only true friend Egypt has in that region is the state of Israel. i advocate my country fellow men and women in the sates and everywhere to force the government of Egypt to implement the "peace" tenets with Israel and forgo any arab cause. let Israel take Palestine and we take Algeria and use it to dumb our trash.

  4. From your description we ought to hope such a man never ends up in a position of real authority, as his clearly emotionally and psychologically unstable. Or he is simply typical of the Arab leadership and political classes, a borne hypocrite, demagogue, narcissist and opportunist. In either case, he ought to brush up on his Fusha. He can't even pronounce Algeria correctly in Arabic.

  5. The regime is trying to direct the attention away from the real problems. And btw I think we are not very well liked in the region because they precieve us as arrogant

  6. Kind of funny. Big Al doesn't give big mouth Amr any chance to speak.

    Is it just me or did Amr go on a major weight loss program. Dude looks half the size he used to. No more koshary and kebab I guess.

  7. 'I can't imagine giving my vote to president Obama if he had said that he is not qualified to be a president.'

    @ Hazem i assume you are a naturalized american citizen? hence you most likely went through our civics exam. George Washington did not SEEK the presidency, it sought him. after the treaty with the british see retired to his plantation (yes he had slaves.)

    leadership is something that comes from within, it is far from rhetoric proclaimed on the stump!

    alaa would make a formidable opponent to musa, baradi and soliman one day!

  8. Nasty, didn't u read Ahmad mansour's article about the black Saturday. All Arabs are going to still retarded and drawing in corruption, even intellectual ones like the author of this blog seems to be affected with this issue and lost its logic

  9. @ Egypt I think you have just proven my point about us being precieved as arrogant... and if Israel is our only true friend then we are in deep deep shit my friend..

  10. 2 theoretical keys to understand what is behind Alaa Mubarak's recent rhetorical activities :

    Populism = "political ideas and activities that are intended to represent ordinary people's needs and wishes"

    Demagogy (also demagoguery) = a strategy for gaining political power by appealing to the prejudices, emotions, fears and expectations of the public — typically via impassioned rhetoric and propaganda, and often using nationalist, populist or religious themes.


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