
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How Can Anyone trust This Newspaper Anymore ??

Algerian Al Chorouk is not only specialized in creating diplomatic regional crises but it is also specialized in theft. Algerian Al Chorouk has stolen an Op-ed by Al Jazeera TV host Ahmed Mansour which was published in Al Dostor last Wednesday the 18th in Cairo and published it in their tabloid paper. Mansour who did not watch the matches was criticizing the buzz around the game in Egypt. What he had said was acceptable and logic ; there was nothing new about it because it was said by other writers too.
Now Algerian Al Chorouk published with no permission from Mansour nor Al Dostor and it did edit it too.
The Algerian tabloid has created a crisis to Mansour himself who was regarded in the past 48 hours as traitor bastard working for Al Jazeera and writes in Algeria's most hated and disgusting newspaper against his own country and people.Of course Mansour is a regular target for the official media to be attacked and so what the Algerian paper was like an open invitation to be attacked in Egypt ; in fact to put his life and the life of his family in danger.
Now a question to the Algerians : Why do you trust this tabloid if it steals other people's work without their permission ?? !!??


  1. oh come one!
    Al chorouk is known as a sensationalist paper! No one has ever trusted it! You would know that if you were familiar with this paper. It's like the Enquirer here in the US!

  2. And also How can anyone trust The Egyptian Media?

  3. I don't know what keeps you in this stupidity, but one thing is sure, you don't understand anything about Algeria and its politics. Corruption in Algeria is nothing compared to Egypt. (Algeria is not occupied by the West and they are more free than Egypt has been since the peace 78. The same position 111 is no more than Misrael and Dzair which supports Iran, Hamas and all those who fight against the real terrorists) After this stupidity it's even clearer than ever.

    Are you sorry that Egypt haven't been for many decades the center of arab world and that your neighbours consider you as arrogant people? No longer is Egypt the center of music, arts, literature etc. Your country is full of American and western companies and your people are suffering. You will ever find shanty towns like in Egypt from Algeria, Tunisia etc. In Cairo you have more than 2 millions of homeless. I'll never forget shanty towns around Port Said. Where are your natural resources? Do you give them for free to Israel?

    Then some stupid people in your blog calls the algerians as barbarians? Your lack of konwledge of Algerian history is astonishing! Find out who built Cairo. Where those peiple the Fatimids? Where the Fatimids were from?

    I'm sorry to say Z, but after three years of reading your blog, I feel right now that I would prefer Al-Ahram than your bizarre obsession of "hating" the Algerians.

    Ps. Fortunately you don't represent me an egyptian. I know many and they are like from different planet of yours.

    Ps. If Alaa Mubarak represents and speaks from behalf of "Your" egyptians, I didn't konw that all egyptians live in that ricj island called Zamalek.

  4. Frankly - no tabloid can be trusted.

  5. I do not trust any Arab media ,unfortunately...!!!!

  6. Well to first Anon who claims Al Chorouk is not believed by many Algerians please read what Krim wrote you can see how many are believing the crap published there please also take a look at the comments left by Algerians on youtube under almost every egyptian video that came out during the past few days and you will find recurring themes like Misrael, the self-deception of attacking Egyptians to avenge Palestinians!, the insults to our history, to all Egyptians presidents, calling artists whores etc, justifying violence, loads and loads of insults to Egyptians and to Arabs. I've only come across a handful who actually have some reason but the majority are clearly brainwashed.

    @Krim, When you compare countries you must take into account various factors and the size of their respective population is always one of them. We Egyptians are very familiar with our problems and do not need some outsider to point them out to us, like it or not Egypt's economy is far bigger than Algerian and actually one of the top 4 in Africa. Algerians are among the top illegal immigrants across EU, even though their population is not that big and even though their country has huge resources, the ppl are not as free as you pretend they are and there has been a history of internal violence and the strong hold of the army is well known to all. Add to that amendments to the constitution to pave the way to the brother to replace the severely ill president. At least in Egypt the ppl can speak out against gov policies, at least in Egypt young Egyptians are trying to find proper presidential candidates, at least in Egypt ppl spoke out against constitutional amendments, called for changing the constitution. We might not be the richest or the best place to live but we've managed more that most of our dear Arab neighbors and while your words wouldve been appreciated if they were meant as advice or for discussion but mocking others to pretend you are better is only of value to those who are ignorant.
    As for who built Cairo, so, what? you were builders of one of several cities? Egypt is bigger than Cairo and Cairo sustained itself by the Egyptians and the Egyptians generally have no hate for foreigners be it Arabs or others, the same can not be said about Algerians since the only Algerian friend I ever had believed Muslims should not befriend non-Muslims who are never good humans, she said that while she lived in Europe and was given the chance to study, work and live in peace by these nasty non-Muslims. SHAME hating the "other" while our religion forbids us to be hateful.

  7. @Krim, Your ignorance is unsurpassed and your arrogance is unspeakable. I can tell that your education came to a halt shortly after elementary school since you don't know even the history of your people or your country "Dzair" with D and not with J or G as you like to call it. But that is ok because I know your arabic language is not the best. However, I have done some research for you to find out more about your people "the Berber" and your country "Dzair".
    According to wikipedia, The Barbary Coast, or Barbary, was the term used by Europeans from the 16th until the 19th century to refer to the Maghreb, the middle and western coastal regions of North Africa—what is now Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya. The name is derived from the Berber people of north Africa. In the West, the name commonly evokes the Barbary pirates and slave traders based on that coast, who attacked ships and coastal settlements in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic and captured and traded slaves from Europe and sub-Saharan Africa.
    Also according to wikipedia, The Fatimid dynasty was founded in 909 by ˤAbdullāh al-Mahdī Billah, who legitimised his claim through descent from Muhammad by way of his daughter Fātima as-Zahra and her husband ˤAlī ibn-Abī-Tālib, the first Shīˤa Imām, hence the name al-Fātimiyyūn "Fatimid". So your claim that the Fatimids are berber is absurd.
    Look you smart ass, Egypt is and will be the leader and the beacon of all the Arab world like it or not. Wa ta7ya Masr

  8. dear Krim,

    addressing your points with counterpoints would make me just as chauvinistic as the comments you have made incessantly towards egyptians! but i'm compelled to address a few!

    comparing two arab regimes, other than lebanon, is akin to splitting hairs or looking in the mirror.

    as for misrael your ignorant comment speaks for its self! it only shows the world that the indigenous people of the atlas mountains and north africa are a war loving morroding people bent on hatred and death. it is not very bode well for you to also mock our pluralism---my friend it only makes you look bad!

    my dear krim egypt was, is and insh will be the center of arab intellect AS OUR most precious NATURAL RESOURCE will always be our kind and generous people always accepting and adopting the children of the arab world as her own!

  9. hazem and masry i concur!

    although hazem the berbers were given free reign over the coast and were receiving their directives from istanbul! we shouldn't mock or belittle these people as 'pirates' (yes even though their great great grandson krim is a chauvinist.)

    the people of north africa were at the cusp of modern navigation, they had the fastest ships and the most sophisticated astrolabes. their ships outran and out maneuvered the french galleons on the high seas. and that's why when the french had the chance to exact revenge they did and hit them hard!

    ps they gave thomas jefferson a run for his money, the reason behind the biased wikipedia page.

  10. To A, I read dozens of news papers, and I have small library at home. Misreal is not invention of Al Chorouk. Don't believe everything you read from Al-Ahram. My intention was never to attack Masr, but some of idiot writers U are. What concerns chauvinistic approach, just read your texts again. You can even compare them to those of mines. You'll get the point. From Zamalek you are quite far from the daily lives of average egyptian, so you could not learn everything in your private schools. And about arabic, just don't forget your qafs from ahua my friend.

    First of all, speaking about ”illegal imigrant”, is as a term so wrong that you doesn't seem to know anything about immigration. Even in French they use the word ”sans papier”. How someone can be signified as ”illigal”, if he has right according to international law to seek asylum? This is very basics my pupils.

    The word ”berber” doesn't come from Barbary pirates. Actually it is coming from the Greek word ”barbaroi”, which meant all the non-greeks. Even egyptians much before Christ.

    Third, Fatimids were people from Algeria and Tunisia. Of course the leaders always traced their origins to prophet (SAAS), even today you see kings in Arabia that are ”descents” of prophet and shias with black turban. And please remember, it is the people that makes the country and civilization, not their leaders, as U people from Zamalek seem to forget.

    Z, your blog is full of mistakes. Sinai is not 1/3 of Egypt, and your friends doesn't know anything about history. I'm out of here! Not because I dont like debate. This is not debate. You lost it. I wish all the best to the Egypt and my friends trying to gain their everyday life. I hope that your governement will open the border of Gaza one day. I hope that your gov sends average people next time to football match, not the elite. You lost a football match this time. Propably you will win next time.

  11. Mohamed Elqusbi11/26/2009 09:01:00 PM

    to Krim :
    you are amazing, buddy
    thanks to given them such a brilliant Text
    Where could I find you? Do you have any Blog or something?
    thanks again

  12. @krimou
    dont't give up we need u out there! I just wished people would realize that's in this story misrael & alergie (got to understand french for this one) there's no winner & both coutries have deep issues that shall not be taken as something that could be disrespected over a soccer game. We shouldn't forget the stenght of medias and z and egyptians are facing Egyptians medias bs and dzair is being fueled by stupidity of algerians medias... The only winner in this is boutef, if algerians had lost the winner would have been the moubarak family... Please lets get our act together & spread love f#ck amr diab, f#ck algerian al shourouk we shall not get this low, I'm pround beinf masr, I'm proud if algerians ancester founded al quahira, I luv abu tarika & i luv karim ziani come on people can we wake up ! & get along?

  13. Thanks M. Elqusbi & Vagabond. I totally agree with you that some medias in both countries are so disrespectful... Al-Chorouk is no more than daily Mirror in UK.

    Also I have to give credit for Z for her openness by publishing all the comments.

    By the way, Abu Tarika is my favorits as well. I'll never forget his t-shirt!!

    One thing I dont understand. Why farrak wa tasud always succeeds in our countries?

    Eid Mubarak

  14. ''Look you smart ass, Egypt is and will be the leader and the beacon of all the Arab world like it or not.''

    Frankly, that's like saying syphilis is the best STD.


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