
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Busy Day in Cairo and Tehran

Today was a real busy day in both Cairo and Tehran. Ashura celebration in the Persian capital was a real revival for the essence of Karballa battle. Nine people have been killed in the clashes including the nephew of Mausavi himself.The photos and videos from all over the internet check both YouTube and tehran24live blog for the time being.
Things were much less tense in the Arabic capital but not less important.protesters from Gaza activitists are protesting the procedures of the Egyptian regime regarding the aid convey and also that stupid wall on our borders.Check twitter for the latest seems that there is a sleep over party in front of the French embassy !!
Today I have spent all day in bed because of low blood pressure and so I have been away from the outside world

Updated:The French protesters are sleeping in front of their embassy chanting Ahmed Fouad Nagm and Sheikh Emam's songs in Muard street and the secuirty can't touch them
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Salaamtek Habity - Really hope you are feeling better soon ISA

  2. I wish you soon recovery! I know how can be blood pressure problems annoying.

  3. Get well soon Z. Now we have to import protestors from abroad to make sure the security wont hurt them! Its good they are protesting in Cairo infront of the embassies of one of the several countries responsible for this situation but I wish Egyptians could also protest in peace without fear, one day I guess :)

  4. ...on a completely irrelevant topic, din picture you for an iPhone'er!

    Get well soon ~ !!?


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