
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Code Pink To Suzanne Mubarak : Please Intervene

Code Pink is asking the people around the world to email Suzanne Mubarak in order to intervene and let the Gaza Freedom March pass the borders “Honestly I do not understand what is going on” . Our first lady saved the day last March when she intervened and let the Code Pink March entered Gaza.

Here is the email :

Dear Mrs. Mubarak,
We are honored to spend our New Year holiday returning to highlight the humanitarian and human rights crisis in Gaza. In March of this year, for International Women's Day, you intervened and facilitated our entry into Gaza. With your help, we were able to deliver 1,000 gift baskets to the women of Gaza. We were -- and continue to be -- very grateful for your support.
At this year's end, we have organized a march of nearly 1,400 international citizens to come together and march with the families of Gaza on the anniversary of the terrible 22-day Israeli invasion. We know you share our painful feelings about the human rights violations in Gaza -- violations which must be all the more painful for their proximity to you. We appeal to your compassion for those women, men and children and the conditions in which they live. The delegates on this march are bringing winter jackets for children, as well as children's medicines and school supplies.
We once again ask you to intervene on our behalf. Please help us travel to Gaza from December 29-January 2 to deliver much-needed aid and to march hand-in-hand for justice and human rights for all.
With deepest thanks and respect,
Jodie Evans, for the CODEPINK Women's Delegation and the Gaza Freedom March

I can’t find a specific email address to send this email to , may be we can send it to the Egyptian red crescent or the National council of women or to where exactly !??

1 comment:


    It's the email address of her NGO's website (the S.M. Women's International peace Movement)


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