
Sunday, December 27, 2009

The First Minister of Information in Egypt Speaks

Abdel Qader Hatem , the former and the first minister of information is being called the father of Egyptian and Arabic TV. He served in both Presidents Nasser and Sadat cabinets despite their different views. The former free officers member has a  lot to say and unfortunately not so many journalists and reporters are welling to listen to his version of the story. The last time I saw this man on TV was with Tarek Habib’s special “1952 revolution files” from several years ago.This man had a big role in the Yom Kippur war which he spoke about, he also spoke about his role in the resistance against the British occupation.

Yousry Fouda interviewed him in his TV show on “On TV” from two weeks ago and I believe you should watch it. Of course you must bear in your mind that Hatem was born in 1918 , he is 92 years old Mash Allah.

I still believe Fouda is much powerful in documentaries as a side remark.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful video Zeinab as usual. I think president Sadat made a huge mistake for not picking up Abdel Kader Hatem as his vice president. I believe Egypt would have been a different Egypt if he was the president of Egypt.


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