
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Follow Up : The S.S Surveillance leaked Document

The ministry of interior has fired back on the leaked S.S Surveillance documents online and as expectedly the ministry states that these documents are fake. Of course the ministry has a valid argument which is all official documents should have the ministry’s slogan in the top right of the document. It is a nice argument but no one has seen a State security document publicly so we can judge.

Mona El-Shazely discussed the matter on her show briefly yesterday and she said that the ministry has opened an inquiry to know who behind these fake documents online where as MP Hamden Sabhi ,who is one of the politicians under the assumed surveillance is demanding an investigation in this matter.

With my all respect it is logic that the ministry will deny this and it is also logic to believe that all the opposition figures in this country are carefully monitored !! This is an ABC since the time of the occupation for God sake !!


  1. You meant its an ABC since the time of Nasser for God's sake, all thanks goes to him for embarking on that project that turned a considerable number of Egyptians into reporting machines. You wouldnt say a political joke in front of a family member out of fear that he might be reporting you back in the days, and of course how many Uni professors who got rewarded later with higher posts, were spying on their own colleagues and students, a tradition that is still very much alive today?
    The documents included some mistakes for eg Baradi living in London?! So, could be a fake but the point is be it fake or not we all know they are watched closely and we all know that all our phones are tapped including the cell phones & we all know they are not the only Egyptians being watched. So, let's not pretend that this is not a normal for our ministry of interior & security services

  2. "the ministry has opened an inquiry to know who behind these fake documents online"

    I think this is the key phrase here, They'll use that to the max to haunt Wael Abbas with charges of spreading fake documents online!!


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