
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Let The Sun Shine In !!

On last the 23rd of December Al Ahram newspaper published a very important Op-ed by Dr. Nader Nour El-Din Mohamed, the teacher at the faculty of agriculture , Cairo university in its first edition. The Op-ed was about the importance of solar energy in Egypt and how it could generate for us billions of dollars annually if we export this very important renewable energy source.

Strangely this pure scientific economic op-ed was removed from the second and third editions of Al Ahram after few hours for no reason at all. Al Ahram has not presented a justification for this move. Thankfully Masrawy published the complete op-ed “It is in Arabic”

Dr. Mohamed calls the government to invest in solar energy and to use our vast western desert to generate this renewable energy source not only to Egypt but to the rest of the world. We can export the surplus of this energy to the whole world for not less than $ 90 billion annually ; selling the sun can be our biggest sources of income.


FYI the first solar plant was built in Egypt in 1913 in Maadi to be exact at 6th street 101 but thanks to the British economic interests in keeping coal as the main source of energy then the project was subjugated and forgotten. Since 1913 Egypt was considered to have a great gift which is the sun. We can use it and help both our fragile economy and our environment !!

Now back to 2009 I do not understand why Al Ahram would remove this op-ed from its editions despite it is huge importance. Is the government afraid that the people demand it to think in a better way for the future !!?? Since when !!?? Is Dr. Mohamed a member in the MB and they did not know ?? Is he member in the March 9 group !!?? I just can’t understand it !!


  1. The concept is a good one that is not exclusive to Egypt but covers all desert countries (the Gulf States, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and others) generating solar energy for consumption and export to industrialised non-desert States - i.e. Europe as part of the German Trans-Mediterranean Renewable Energy Cooperation Project (TREC).

  2. well I believe that we should not expect any good under the current regime

  3. I love this blog!


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