
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ahmed Orabi Anyone !!??

From more than 100 years ago Ahmed Orabi stood against Khedive Tawfik in a strong historical scene in front of the Abdeen Palace where the Egyptian army general told the ruler of Egypt and Sudan then when the later reminded him that Egyptians were  the slaves of his generosity :

Allah created us free men , Allah did not create us a heritage or a real estate ; I swear by Allah that we will never be inherited or enslaved after today.

Orabi and the army during then were on the side of the Egyptian people demanding a real national political life .

This scene below is from Ahmed Shobeir’s stupid live sports show where one of the callers had raised the bar of hypocrisy saying we accept to be the slaves of Mubarak if he just says yes !!! Honestly Shobeir was surprised to find someone more hypocrite than him what the hell is this !!??


Ahmed Orabi anyone !!??


  1. elbaradei_info
    @Zeinobia it is a result of 30% non-educated people in Egypt +12 % can hardly read and write +1% manage to fight ignorance (Maho Al-ummeia)

  2. احم

    هو الحقيقة عرابى لم ينطق بأى كلمة من الجملة المشهورة على لسانه دى


  3. This proves that hypocracy has no limits in our beloved country :-(


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