
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Another Ministerial Reshuffle in Egypt

Today President Mubarak has issued a presidential decree of reshuffle in Egypt , I can’t say that I did not expect it because from two days ago Mustafa Bakery, who is close to the regime spoke of huge political changes and ministerial reshuffle in his newspaper ; of course this is a small one but still a reshuffle with surprises .

President Mubarak has appointed Dr. Ahmed Zaki Badr,  Ain Shams university dean as the minister of education instead of Youssry El-Gamal who is under huge fire because of H1N1 spread in the school. “ The poor man  has been just vaccinated today at 10 AM then in 12 PM he received the shocking news!!!” s112008141497

Ahmed Zaki Badr is the son of infamous rude minister of interior Zaki Badr and he is not popular in Ain Shams university as I felt that he was appointed there only to crack any political activity in this very important university. His golden moment was his clash with the Muslim brotherhood students in  the university. It is no wonder that he became a minister , it is like a reward for his excellence in loyalty.

I do not think that choosing for the ministry of education was right ; not only our kids are going to be ignorant but they turn in to informants against each other now !!!!!!!! I just fear from this man in such important position !!

Little trivial information : his father served Mubarak also :D the father and son are in the President’s service.

President Mubarak also has appointed Alaa Fahmi as the minister of transportation, Mr.Fahmi was the chairman of Egypt Post. Fahmi did something in Egypt Post for sure but unfortunately he shocked us all when the plans of privatizing the vital المهندس علاء فهمي organization found its way to press. I believe this was a powerful indicator that the regime is taking a serious step towards the privatization of public transportation especially the railways.

Moving to the rest of the reshuffle , we found ourselves in front of changes in the governors of most of our borders governorates. The governors of North Sinai , South Sinai , Marsa Matrouh , Helwan  and Bani Sawif have been replaced. All the former governors had their share from political and also financial scandals. People threw shoes at the governor of Bani Sawif. I think Marsa Matrouh was replaced after that terrible carnage that took place on our borders with Libya at Salloum which most media does not speak about from near or far for fear it would spoil our relationship with Gaddafi , I believe the carnage may have been worse than what we know and this is why the governor had to be replaced.

North and South Sinai ; well we got in them endless problems , big problem !! In North Sinai you got this stupid wall , you got corruption , you got smuggling , you got clashes between the locals and the security and you got angry tribes. In the South you got also angry locals , poor security and human trafficking. I just hope the new governors will not repeat the mistakes of the former governors as much as they can.

There are news circulating about much more bigger reshuffle in the future , already you should know this year is a big year : The parliamentary elections. 

1 comment:

  1. Mubarak still isnt getting it Im afraid. He thinks that by throwing Youssry Al Gamal like that he will make ppl happy since he let his minister of education go in such a disrespectful way, and may be he did make some happy but I find it insulting for the ppl and the minister that someone who served the president was let go w/o a decent warning at least.
    What confirms to be that Mubarak is still not getting it, his choice for a new minister of education. Badr is hated in the Uni pf Ain Shams, he caused a lot of problems to staff members & of course helped in securing the students election. Ppl are not stupid they know he is bad news & they knw he is being rewarded for his role w the MBH & that this is again a choice of those we knw v. those who deserve & qualified.
    As for the new minister of transportation, I dnt knw much about him but isnt he rumored to be close to Nazif, which means how many ministers in the cabinet have their real loyalty to Nazif? Has Mubarak lost it?
    One last point is that it doesnt seem like Junior Gamal had much involvement in these choices, they seem to be daddy calling the shots but then again the Junior decides for the economy related ministerial posts, well since he worked in a bank :D


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