
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Say Their Names Then

Foreign minister Ahmed Abu El-Gait announced that the Egyptian regime knows by name those who killed Egyptian soldier late Ahmed Shabaan .

On the other hand Egyptian journalist Fahmi Howadi claimed from couple of days ago that late Shabaan was shot down by Egyptian fires from our side by a mistake, a very dangerous accusation that sooner Hamas would repeat today to the Egyptian side.

Ahmed Shabaan now is in heaven and he is innocent from all these political rants but we need to know who killed him.

If the Egyptian regime believes that it is on the right side why it does not announce the name of this Palestinian shooter who killed Shabaan !!?? In fact I demand as an Egyptian citizen the Egyptian regime to reveal the names of those behind the murder of Shabaan to the whole world because it is the least respect to the late young man.

Of course I can’t claim that I was not shocked when I read Howaidi’s column where he accused the Egyptian regime of killing Shabaan unintentionally . Still despite I can’t imagine how Shabaan would be shot from our side considering the position of the tower he was in , I know very well how deceivable our regime is. The regime which differentiates between its fallen soldiers based on who killed them can’t be trusted so much.

I am angry for Shabaan and I am also angry for those fallen soldiers who were killed by Israeli fires and buried with no funeral nor respect at late night.

Not for the sake of our dignity nor for our relations with the Palestinians but for the sake of late 21 years old Shabaan our regime should name those who killed him whether it was a friendly fire or enemy fire.

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