
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Clean the house Tunisia from these rats , clean the house my dear

First of all there is no coup in Tunisia so far , it was a rumor launched in some radio station online. Things are not that good though because from what I read and knew from our dear Tunisia that chief of Staff Rachid had a late night meeting with the interim president and prime minister.

There were terrible clashes between the civilian protesters and the security forces and it is terrible because no one expected this to be escalated in this way after the revolution. Not less than 20 journalist along bloggers were attacked in the past 48 hours. Sidi Bouzid is back to protesting along other governorates and cities. There are strong calls in the country demanding the minister of interior of resign.

Things erupted in the country after this leaked video interview for former minister of interior Farahat El-Ragahi where he claimed that General Rashid was being prepared to take over the rule in case that the Islamists win “in similar scenario to Algeria” and that there was some Tunisian businessman running the show from behind as far as I understand. You can see the video below in Arabic

Officially the government condemned these statements and considered it irresponsible act from El-Ragahi denying all his claims.

I feel that the old Ben Ali orphans are fooling around and that there are a lot of rats in Tunisia has to get rid from them soon.

The  progress of the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt are critical because it can either give push or halt the progress of the Arab revolutions throughout the region. It is not a game between us and Tunisia yet I believe we can exchange expertise. The Tunisians have to get rid from all the remnants of Ben Ali and RCD. They should be persistent and send a clear message to the government and the army along with everyone else : Tunisians want a democratic civilian state.

By the way I have read that Emad Trabelsi’s trial will be tomorrow. Last month he wrote a letter and send it to the press defending himself and asking for forgiveness , it was like the Mubarak’s Al Arabiya voice message and boy it had the same reaction in Tunisia : It made Tunisians even angrier than before.

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