
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hussein Salem : The man , the myth and reality

Al Ahram published an interesting investigative series of reports about Hussein Salem and you will not believe the amount of information in it. The first part of this series was published in Al Ahram and there is an English translation for it on Al Ahram online.

It is a must read series.

So far two articles were published from the series :

Regarding Salem , well we got two contradicting news about him, one that he is currently in hospital and his family has not bailed him out while the other one is that he paid that huge bail and is currently under house arrest in Madrid.

There are questions in Cairo on how Salem got the Spanish nationality already. Some are speculating that Salem cheated to get the Spanish nationality as according to the former chief of Interpol in Egypt Salem was used the Egyptian passport from year 2005 to 2011. In year 2005 he got the Spanish passport and according to the Spanish law you can’t have two passports. Thus as the master of fraud may have claimed to waiver the Egyptian citizenship  , after all he was the best friend for Mubarak and these are bunch of formalities !!!

If we can prove through official documents and records in Egypt that he had an Egyptian passport in 2011 , I am sure we can get this man to Cairo in very short time.

1 comment:

  1. "If we can prove through official documents and records in Egypt that he had an Egyptian passport in 2011 , I am sure we can get this man to Cairo in very short time."

    Quiet frankly that should be as easy as finding with computer these days, unless they are on paper only and was burned? Lets hope not!


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