
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Syrian Revolution : Did She or Did She Not !? “Graphic”

Did the Syrian ambassador in Paris resign on air on France 24 or did she not !?
This is the ultimate question we ask ourselves now. Some people are swearing that they heard her on France 24 resigning and France 24 showed the video or rather the phone call while hours later she denied the news on Arabic TV channels “Al Jazeera” and “Al Arabiya” and the Syrian government attacking France 24 !!

Some are speculating that this is a move by the Syrian regime made to discredit the foreign media. While other sources say that Madam Ambassador’s father “a former army officer” received a direct threat in Damascus, the thing that made her change her mind.
Now Madam Ambassador was not the only Syrian lady capturing the world's attention yesterday because the gay girl in Damascus has been detained despite this being quite normal nowadays in Syria. She is not the first blogger nor the last blogger or activist to be detained. Ahmed Abu El-Khair has been detained and released several times even before the revolution.

I did not find much coverage about Amina in Syrian Facebook pages covering the revolution because Amina is not the first one to be detained and actually there are thousands like her detained and even disappeared since last March. I feel that people lost counting. 

Also, we can’t neglect the fact most Syrians are conservatives regardless of their beliefs.
Update: NY Times’ Lede is hinting that Amina could be a fictional character as no one met her or saw her face !? It is quite strange because this comes at the same time we have this ambassador’s case, which will be definitely used by the El Assad regime to discredit the foreign media and the bloggers as well. Maybe Amina is a real person but she blogs under a fake name.

Now there is a straight girl in Homs I wish the international media paid attention to as they did with Amina. Tal Mallohi was the youngest blogger to be detained in the world for a political reason

Tal Mallohi seems to be forgotten by the whole world. According to what I understand Bashar El Assad has issued a pardon for all political prisoners and yet there is no news about Tal at all. Last year the lawyers who met with Tal for a short time described a scary scene for a frightened fragile girl who confessed all the charges she was facing. I am so so so worried about her. I just fear that they would kill her.
Those who really follow the Syrian political scene carefully will know that girls played an important role before the revolution last year we can’t ignore.
Now Tal is not the only girl who became a symbol of the revolution there is also Hager El-Khatib, Hagar was the girl who was killed in Homs at this school bus massacre
Late Hager at her school

You must know that Hager’s father and brother were reportedly summoned by the Syrian authorities to force them to say that the people of El-Rastan were the ones who attacked the children’s bus and killed Hagar !! 

Just a reminder here is Hager’s cousin telling the world how she was killed.
How was Hager killed !?
Syria was not absent from Khaled Said’s silent stand held in Cairo last Monday as Hamza was there beside his elder brother Khaled Said.
Khaled and Hamza

Last Tuesday there was a protest in Cairo in solidarity with the Syrian revolution, I did not attend it unfortunately but dear Maggie Osama was there.

We are still in Cairo and earlier this week we got a very interesting statement from FM Nabil El Araby who had a meeting with our ambassador in Damascus Shawky Ismail after his return to Cairo to discuss the current situation.
The stability of Syria is directly connected to Egypt’s national security.
It is true and thus El Assads are dangerous to our national security. The MOFA spokesperson said that the minister believes that starting a political reform in Syria especially in a complete national dialogue that includes all the sectors of the Syrian society can be the only exit from the current crisis. In other words, officially our government is just like European governments !!
This is the only official reaction we got from Cairo, from Nabil El Araby who will be officially the secretary general of LAS in less than a month.
Back in Syria this week not only ladies were making headlines in beloved Syria but also men, specifically the Syrian Arab army men. It seems that the Syrian Arab army can face a split from the inside after all those officers and soldiers are Syrians and humans, and some of them can not stand against their own people. “I can’t say the majority thought because what I see now implies that the majority is with El Assads unfortunately”. 

Last Monday not less than 17 officers and soldiers defected it.
One of these defective officers is First Lieutenant Abdel Razak Talas, the nephew of another army officer who was killed at his base for refusing to participate in these massacres.
An officer defected from the Syrian army

I do not think that he is related to the infamous minister of war Mustafa El Talas “Another bastard who should be prosecuted for his crime”
Now despite the UNICEF issuing a strong statement attacking the so-called violence against the children “Actually they are crimes committed by the Syrian regime”, children are still killed and injured. Here is a graphic video showing a boy who was injured in his back at Deir Ez Zor.
Deir Ez Zor: An Injured Child
Another injured child, was badly injured in his neck from Hom last month.

Another video from Homs shows an 8-year-old child injured, it is also graphic.
Homs: Another child injured

Now I hope that any Russian reader or journalist who stumbles on my blog spreads this video for this Russian lady from Leningrad who lost her young son Omar El Shami last Friday. 

Omar was another boy who was shot three times for God's sake.
A message from the mother of Omar El Shami to the world.

This lady is begging President Medvedev I think to stop supporting El Assad's criminal brothers. I do not think that Medvedev would listen or even care. He did not care for all those poor souls killed in Libya because of Russia’s so-called interest in Libya.
Last thing I must thank the Turkish government’s decision to open the borders for Jesr El-Shoggor’s refugees.


  1. They should send the Damascus girl to Egypt for a virginity check.

    New favicon is ugly. Is that knife cutting the flag or is that a pigeon pecking on the flag, are you trying to cash in on the revolution like vodaphone? fugly icon, remove that shit

  2. Like Libya, Syrian regime people are going to be looking for the exits. Some like defecting
    military personnel have to do it with careful planning ensuring their families are not affected. I am sorry to see them having to take the same road as a no. of Iranians in recent years. But better not to do it too late.

  3. Egyptian flag is not right for 'Egyptian chronicles'. Flag trepresents a very short era of Egypt's history(chronicles). flag will be ok for a government site.

    will look good with your website theme and colours

    stop the flag frenzy like stupid TV channels.


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