
Monday, July 11, 2011

And Sharaf spoke…..

Prime minister Essam Sharaf has addressed the nation from while ago after hours of anticipation following the announcement that he would announce a new ministerial reshuffle. Here is the short speech

Sharaf’s speech on 11/7/2011

PM Sharaf announced that there will be a ministerial reshuffle by the end of this week while the new changes in the ministry of interior will take place by July 17.”I think Mansour El Eissawy is staying then” He also added that he asked the judges to make the trials publicly and that the new governors’ movement will be announced by the end of the month.

In other words this speech is actually what he said to that youth delegation he met yesterday officially. He is giving us a timeline which was demanded by protesters before.

I am not surprised though seriously despite I am little disappointed. Ministerial reshuffles are not done by day and night for God sake , did you seriously think that he will announce the names of the new ministers today !?

Should we give him time !? Well as I said before we will wait and see , already we got Tahrir square and we should not leave it ‘but we should not stop life there’ as well as timeline. Sharaf got 3 days to announce his ministerial reshuffle with new ministers. Quick reactions are not good without good thinking and analyzing positions especially now.

The bets were high as well as the anger from Sharaf, truly high but without doubt despite the protesters were not expected to leave Tahrir square after the speech. The Egyptian tweeps are cursing him especially that there was a media circus about the ministerial reshuffle.

For hours before that speech mainstream media and social media went coco after knowing that Sharaf was having a meeting with SCAF and that in few hours he would announce a reshuffle as I hinted before. There were speculations that the reshuffle would include 11 ministers including the old ministers from Mubarak’s cabinet like Siad Mashal of military production , Faiza Abu Naga of international cooperation and even new ministers from his cabinet like  Abdel Aziz El Gendy of justice and Mansour El Eissawy of interior especially that confusion or rather public clash between them.

I believe these leaks were test balloons as usual to see the public reaction , I think SCAF now knows how much we want this reshuffle.

Websites began even to post lists with the new ministers like for instance the minister of agriculture who was reportedly seen packing his stuff from the minister’s office.

The media leaks reached to the level of guessing the reason on why Sharaf was late in his speech , as usual it was announced that he would speak at 9 PM Cairo local time and in the end he spoke after 10 PM. Our leaks claimed that the new minister of information Heikal was the one who wrote that speech !!?

The good thing is that the media is now speaking not so shyly about SCAF anymore. 

There is a call for a new million man protest at Tahrir square with escalation in protesting tomorrow Tuesday. Tomorrow can be a real test for everybody.

Good luck and good night.


  1. I think you are doing the right thing there. On a side note I just wanted to add that a free country doesn't have a ministry of information.

    from Berlin, Germany

  2. I don't know! what do the people want? I have to admit I am slightly confused. Everything was always so clear before and during the revolution now it feels muddled. But I guess when I consider there was not much in his speech either.


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