
Monday, September 3, 2012

Shall the British ambassador be summoned over this !??

BBC Arabic produced a very important documentary called “Egypt’s stolen billion” about Mubarak’s assets in the UK and it is much watch now in this very critical time. According to this important documentary we are waiting for , Britain allowed 19 key members of Mubarak’s corrupted regime to retain some of their frozen assets !! These assets that will take us years to restore back. 
Reda El Maway “@Olivertwixx” produced this important documentary in cooperation with The Guardian and Al Hayat Newspapers. I am waiting this documentary so much as it will include the first exclusive interview with Suzanne Mubarak’s enigmatic friend Alyaa El Bendary. El Bendary is Suzanne’s friend who lives in Switzerland , her name is always mentioned in Egypt when we speak about Mubarak’s assets abroad.
The documentary Egypt's Stolen Billion” will be aired tonight on BBC Arabic at 9 PM CLT in Arabic as well on on BBC2's Newsnight
I think we need an official explanation from the British government for its role in this scandal.
I was planning to write about the new Satanic mania in El Sakkia but I think this is more important.

Update : 

And I have seen the documentary , oh boy this is one of these documentaries you need to watch again so you would not miss a single piece of info in this documentary but luckily I kept notes of what is important.
  • According to International Bank what was stolen from Egypt in the last 30 years rule of Mubarak is estimated to be more than $ 135 billions including $54 billions in the last 8 years only. " And we are begging for couple of billions from the IMF now !!" 
  • For some unknown reason the UK did not help Egypt in restoring its assets unlike Libya or or Tunisia or even Syria when I remember now. 
  • We found out that the wife of Ahmed Maghraby who is convicted and currently in jail opened some company in UK for design when her assets should be frozen. 
  • The current governor of central bank , public prosecutor and Ismail Serg El Din know more about our assets abroad than we think. 
  • Aliyaa El Bandary who denied last year to know the Mubarak s spoke to the BBC crew and admitted that she worked with Suzanne Mubarak in that shady Suzanne Mubarak for peace organization. The lady who lives with her poodles claimed that she could not complete the interview in Arabic insisting that she did not work in fundraising. 
  • UBS refused to speak to the BBC crew. 
My own explanation on how the British government acts , well of course last year the official Egyptian party was busy in God knows what but for the British party let's say UK does not want to lose its position as safe heaven when it comes to dictators and corrupted's assets. This documentary is the tip of the ice berg.

Update #2 : 

The Embassy of Great Britain in Egypt issued this statement in its official website "UK in Egypt" where Alistair Burt , the  Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office who was featured in the documentary defends the British government. Burt denied that the British government rejected about 30 legal request from Egypt in 2011 regarding our assets there. He defended his government insisting that GB is committed to restore the Egyptian stolen assets but through the law as UK needs convictions for Mubarak's cronies in order to restore these assets.
FYI Burt seemed to be irritated in the interview. 
Meanwhile the Egyptians are demanding now on twitter the detention of Suzanne Mubarak in order she would confess about the whereabouts of the assets abroad. 


  1. You are right Z., London is a "safe heaven" for stolen monies, stolen from widows & orphans. In Egypts case $1000 per head of population, even a newborn. Imagine a newborn with a $1000 trust.

    Also, think about all the other "safe heavens",like swiss, lichtenstein, carribean, Dubai. Egyptians should be richer than they are but the rats have been busy eating the grain and winter is coming.

  2. The only way to get that money back is to provide adequate documentation to Britain, and to other countries, resulting from proper court trials for The Mubarak's and their business associates. A special revolutionary court that addresses these issues may be still possible, but should have been established months ago. In the absence of these trials, and the resulting documentation, no country will be able to return those stolen funds back to Egypt.

  3. Read the Guardian article & all I can say is "WOW! Unbelievable!"

  4. The money, just like stolen treasures from the tombs, belongs to and should be returned to the people of Egypt.

  5. I really want to see this, can anybody provide a link to the documentary ? I cant seem to find it on youtube.

  6. It is really so simple. I wonder why you cannot dig it. Egypt has to convict Mubarak and his cronies and present the sentence to Britain.

    For some unknown reasons, however, Egypt does not go after the thugs and expects Britain to do the dirty work.


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