Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Rewinding Qana 96 again in Gaza

Just from Short time it was announced that the IDF bombed two schools in Gaza , these school in Gaza are following the UNRWA “yes the United Nations” and they were crowded by hundreds of Palestinians who considered them as safe shelter with international protections but they were wrong. By the Way the IDF knows very well these schools are for the UNRWA and there are UN flags on it.

Shall say I am surprised ,well I am not , this also happened in Qana at South Lebanon in 1996 if you remember !! Al Jazeera is saying many people were killed and injured.

Please do not tell me the same old talk that there were Hamas members inside the school and Hamas is using the people as human shield because this is  UN Building  !!

Those people again went to stay in a safe place and they thought the international organization would provide them so !! But they were wrong !!


  1. قانا شديدة التواضع بالنسبة لما يحدث في غزة الان

  2. The UNhas demanded an independent investigation of the event. Inshallah it will lead to some high ranking israelis sentenced by a tribunal.

  3. > Inshallah it will lead to some high ranking israelis sentenced by a tribunal.

    Since when? We all *know* that a Nuremberg is very unlikely.


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