
Monday, October 6, 2008

Breaking News : Eissa is not going to jail because the President saves the day.

Because the President said a word in his campaign that no journalist is going to jail in his era and because he is man of his word, he won’t let Ibrahim Eissa go to jail despite the later continual vicious attack on the president and his son.
On the day of the victory President Mubarak pardoned Ibrahim Eissa and issued his order to both the ministers of Justice and interior to activate the order of amnesty tomorrow officially.
And thus Eissa is not going to jail in that case but he may go in another case in front of the court along with other 3 chiefs in editor.
To tell you the truth I am surprised. I don’t know if Eissa will thank the President or not , but he shouldn’t because he didn’t do anything wrong plus Mubarak as I hinted above said that no Journalist was going to jail because of what he wrote in the Press in his era.
I must mention that this pardon came after some NDP lawyer who is suing the 4 editors in chief said in the court from couple of days “Mubarak is a scared Personality”!!. All official media ignored this despite that statement caused a lot of stir inside the NDP itself ,for sure they know the implications of such stupid statement.
I don’t know why Mubarak issued this sudden amnesty especially he ignored Ayman Nour in 6th October amnesty annual decree.
May be because of the international rejection , this news made the headlines all over the globe. May be because he needs to win the people in his side and his son’s right before the surprising NDPC next November.May be because he knows that the people can’t take it anymore .
Ibrahim Eissa will thank him for sure because he knows the game.
Man ,what I really hate that tomorrow all the official newspapers will attack Eissa and Al Dostor and say “See how merciful he is, how kind he ,you bastards !!”
I wish that President Mubarak remembers his other promises from the doctors and teachers minimum wages !!
 Update : Al Dostor published on its official a statement in Arabic about this decree. In Summary AL Dostor welcomes,appreciates yet they are opposing the regime in Egypt ;)

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