
Thursday, October 23, 2008

So he was in London on the 5th of October 1973 !!

I felt that after the Suzanne Tamim circus I will not be able to complete my series about the real X-File “The murder of Ashraf Marwan”

Already last week in the anniversary of the 6th October war ,I found  news saying that UK decided to appoint a new investigation team to restart the inquiry again in the case as if the new investigation team will ever reach to something solid in this enigmatic crime.

Anyhow from two days ago I found Amr El-Lathy speaking on Nile Live about his new book based upon the documentary series he made in the TV about the incident. El-Lathy is promoting the theory that Marwan was a double agent working for the Egyptian intelligence sake.

Now during the show El-Lathy  denied the Israeli claims that Marwan was in London on the 5th of October 1973 where he contacted with the Israeli officials to inform them that there would be war next day and so he called Egyptian NDP Businessman  and former pilot NossairMohamed Nossair so the later would share his testimony about this incident. It seems that El-Lathy thought that Nossair would confirm his claim but it was a strange thing on air to find Nossair saying that Marwan was in London on the 5th of October 1973 !!!

Yes Marwan was in London on the 5th of October 1973. Already I do not understand why Nossair was in London but it seems that he was friend to Marwan. Nossair said that he met on the 5th of October 1973 in the morning the manager of Egypt Air in London who told him that he and the manager of Egypt Air in France received restricted orders from Cairo that they should transfer all the Egypt Air airplanes from the London and Paris airports to Tripoli in Libya , there was no further explanation for this urgent and restricted order. Nossair did not understand or know what was going so he went to his friend that he was working in the president’s office : Marwan. Do not ask me why Marwan was in  London in that time but Marwan was there and he was staying in the Churchill hotel in Marylebone. Anyhow Nossair went to his buddy asking him what is going on. Smart Marwan did not know that important information ,it did not take him long to guess that there would be very soon war , you see Egypt feared that our airplanes would be taken in London or Paris or that they would be bombed in Cairo international airports . He told Nossair that there would be a war soon.

He was staying in a suite ,he left Nossair and went to the bed room make some phone calls !!?? He told him to tell Kamal Adham who was in London then immediately and yes Kamal Adham , the CIA man , now do not ask me from where Nossair then knew Adham , Marwan may have known Adham from his work.

El-Lathy did not comment and I felt he was uncomfortable  where as Nossair was speaking normally. By the way I forget to say that Nossair was known to be arms dealer later but not during that time just like Marwan,of course Adham was another arms dealer.

Now let’s go back to this short but strong testimony from a man like Nossair.

it seems to me that Marwan did not know there was going to be a war like what was said in Israel and also in Egypt by some people that he knew the date of the war from his position in the President’s office despite it was well known according to many testimonies the date of war was sealed in envelopes delivered directly to the president and to the commanders of the army hand by hand for their eyes only , no one knew in the office or the house of Al Sadat that the war would be launched on the 6th of October 1973. Marwan if he knew ,knew by accident , he was trained enough by Samy Sharaf enough despite he turned against him.

Now shall I dare and ask what he was doing in London ?? why some people denied that he was in London ??

The Israelis did not lie when they said that he was in London on the 5th of October 1973 but did he meet an Israeli official on that night to inform about that belief or the assumption he had ??

Another question why did Nossair speak now ???

Many Many questions could be answered so easily if a single official statement is issued by the Egyptian intelligence.

1 comment:

  1. Please watch this video. It will explain everything. That traitor Ashraf was as the Israelis called him: the Greatest Israeli Spy. It is sad but true. Egypt gave him everything but he was evil.


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