
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

They banned a channel for a football match today and tomorrow they will ban it for a talk show

I do not care much for the on going war between the Ahly Sport club and the TV satellite channels despite I am against the monopoly of Al Ahly club to air its matches on its exclusive channel especially I am big Ahly fan.

Anyhow today something very serious happened and it is very alarming .

About afternoon there was an Al Ahly Match and it seems that two channels on the Nile Sat that have a contract with the Egyptian federation of football “Dream TV 1 and Modern sports” were going to air the match. Al Ahly complained to the director of the Radio and TV and suddenly with no warning the broadcast of both channels was cut and all what the viewers can see was a black screen.

This is an important aggression on the freedom of expression ,it is not a football match , tomorrow it will be a talk show after all it seems that it is a push button decision.

By the way you can ban a channel on the Nile Sat either by decision for a political reason like the Zawoar Iraqi channel if you remember it or by a court order.

There was no court order and I do not think there is a political reason to ban those two channels today.

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