
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It is historical by all means

Of Course I am speaking about the American Presidential elections ,it is historical for America and for the world.It is historical for the world because for the first time we watch and follow a Presidential election in a country in this way thanks to the technological advance that made us really a small village or even smaller.
Since the morning I am watching the elections process in America despite the difference in timing.
Obama up till this moment seems the winning horse and the huge queues of voters waiting for their turn. The ads campaign to encourage the youth to register and to vote really paid it off.
I found it ironic when the first New Hampshire voters choosing for the first time since 40 years a democrat , also it is good signal because those voters chose G.W Bush in that last elections.
By the way in several newspapers it seems that the Egyptians prefer Obama despite all what they know about his bias to Israel.
Let's hope that What Al Gore fears from a reputation to what happened in the 2000 elections do not happen again , Al Gore was also the winner if you remember

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