
Monday, November 3, 2008

Mubarak is insulted again

From Ynet News by Uri Orbach.
I want to say that I have seen that so called Israeli comedian Eli Yatzpan’s Mubarak videos on Youtube and I felt so sick and angry that my president regardless of how much I disagree with him is being insulted in this dirty rude way. In the end Mubarak is the one responsible of this ,the Israelis do not respect him enough , if he is strong enough in their eyes they would not dare to attack him and here when I speak about strength , I do not speak about the police state strength but the democratic transparent strength.


  1. As long as a politician, wether he is good or bad, is a public person, he will be insulted, that is part of the comedy industry in USA, europe, Israel etc. And the Arabs should not always take it personal, that shows a lack of strength also. I'm a native Egyptain and I don't like that kind of comedy but at the end it is unfortunately part of the business. And I wouldn't defend Mubarak nor feel bad for Mubarak. Let's get back to the real important things.

  2. My dear friend I also believe that is part of the business but not this kind of sick comedy,I feel bad and angry because I know that they made fun of him because he is not Mubarak but rather the president of Egypt and they are deliberately doing it


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