
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My dear brothers and sisters you are silent devils

I was very sad to know that there are Muslims in the United States of America who boycotted the Presidential elections for Religious reasons not because that they are not convinced with the candidates.I read that there were certain calls in some mosques there for the Muslims to boycott the elections because they are secular elections for a secular non Sharia regime !!! This claim is widely spread between the Salafi brothers and sisters

I am sorry but what Sharia those dear brothers and sisters are speaking in a non Islamic country !!?? God ordered you to change the world in to a better place as far as if we can .With my all respect those dear brothers and sisters who have the ability to vote and to change even on a very narrow scale the politics of America and the world and refuse to do are silent devils. They may not save the middle east but at least they may enhance in a way or another their living.

Last month there was a debate between a democrat American diplomat and a Republican American diplomat in Alexandria ,both of them agreed that the Jewish lobby can have a real rival if the Muslims and Arabs are united in one or two lobbies that work for their interest just like the rest of the lobbies in the States whether ethnic or religious lobbies.

How can The Arabs and Muslims form a lobby if they can’t agree on anything or even refuse to vote because of fake reasons like this ??Sometimes I think that some Muslim and Arab Americans do not vote because they fear to engage in any kind political activity .


  1. we really ARE our own worst enemy.. 6ayib, with opinions such as these how can they justify living in said secular non-shariah country?

  2. The Saudi Salafi Money ensures that the same issue comes up time and time again in minority Muslim communties in the West. Its a very sick idea because If Muslims are not seen as policially engaged and active it turns on the whole Muslim Community that a few individuals are saying voting is Haraam.

    please have a futher look at this issue on Muslim Public Affairs Commitee

    Yet again Z- Great post - well done your insight is immense- isa we will see women like you make the change next for Egypt to have a women president

  3. Boycott the elections for religious reasons?! I have to say that I'm very shocked to read this. All the mosques that I know of here keep on urging Muslims to participate not only in elections, but also in each and every event their communities hold. Those people you mentioned are very sick!

  4. I would have to agree with the Boycott, and it seems that alot of other arabs and egyptians do as well. both canadaites are evil and ultimatly serve the criminal state of Israel.
    note: Nader was running but what good did that do?

  5. Those people live and work in the West and pay taxes towards the government, educate their children in the West. But they dont want to participate in voting? They might as well leave.

  6. @loolt, do not even ask them because they won't have any answer then

    @anonymous, for sure the Saudi Salafis play important rule ,it is sad and pathetic
    The website you kindly posted is interesting and i am happy to see that Muslims in west like this because this should what they do
    about the woman president Egypt lol well I think we will have to walk long road in order to have a democratic man president first ;)

    @Hink wa Hank, do not be surprised these mosques are not controlled by the Salafis I once chatted with a Muslim American Woman married to an Egyptian man , she told me that she and her husband believe that as long as it is not the Sharia system than they would not vote whether in the states or in Egypt !!?? Can you imagine it
    @anonymous , at least do it for political reasons not for so-called religious reasons ,still I believe it is not only about the Israeli relations ,it is also about improving the conditions of people in General , if some of them will improve your economic situation then why not to choose one of them

    @anonymous,I think they are acting just like in their mother countries ,most of them do not vote in their mother countries so why they do it in America

  7. Sharia law is backwards, absurd and horrifying. Religious doctrine has no place in the law of the land and serves only to perpetuate the dark ages.

    I hope that someday Egypt will be free of the chains of religious insanity - a tool that serves to perpetuate power of the so-called religious leaders and keep the masses stupid and deprived.

    Free yourselves of the shackles of ignorance and discrimination!! Embrace nonviolence, wisdom, science, equality, modernity and REASON!

  8. @anonymous, I do not see Sharia in Egypt on the contrary the religious leaders in Egypt are a tool in the hands of the regime that does not know any religion or moral what so ever.

  9. "Sharia law is backwards, absurd and horrifying. Religious doctrine has no place in the law of the land and serves only to perpetuate the dark ages." I think this is a flawed statement for the following reasons (I will try to Illustrate this with a pragmatic prospective):
    1. Sharia and the old Testament laws both have a lot of shared clear rules forbidding criminal offenses similar to modern criminal law but differs in that there are too many loopholes in modern criminal law irrespective of the country. (eyewitness needed in God's Law, Man's law...)
    2. Sharia and the old Testament both share require your allegiance to a fair and just ruler and require the removal of tyrants.
    3. Sharia and the old Testament both share the common view against usury (money lending w/interest) which is the folly of man's law that lead us to this financial predicament today.
    4. Sharia and the old Testament both are based on the foundation of man created by god with free choice, and slave to no one but god.
    5. History proves that the most tyrannical regimes were those based on man's law devoid of god's law (Nazism/socialism, communism, usury based capitalism) very similar to Talmudic Law.
    I would like to also say that just because some country calls it self a country of god's law and claims to follow Sharia or the old Testament dose not make it so.

  10. Religious intolerance not present in Eqypt?? Good grief. Why do so many have blind hatred of the jews? Where did the Muslim Brotherhood come from? Where does the genital mutilation* come from in Egypt??? (that brings about a deafening silence worldwide)--
    The Arab/Saudi-based Islamic conquest that pushed itself on Egypt in the 7th C.

    *Yes, officials in the Muslim religious establishment have voiced opposition, but it is supported by various religious authorities. And the insane obsession with female virginity is at the core of religious tradition.

    Writer Al-Aswani says "For hundreds of years, bars, nightclubs, mosques, and churches stood side by side in Egypt. Everyone was free to do whatever he or she liked."

    But what and who is stopping that freedom? WHO does not want churches by mosques? Forget even asking if a synagogue could exist side by side! There is almost no tolerance, no thinking outside the box.

    "History proves that the most tyrannical regimes were those based on man's law devoid of god's law (Nazism/socialism, communism, usury based capitalism) very similar to Talmudic Law." :

    History does not prove that at all. First, nazism was entwined with the Catholic church and used Christian (and Pagan) symbols very early, and justifications for genocide were often based on religious ideas and obviously religious hatred (nazi anti-semitism just exploited centuries-old Christian hatred of Jews).

    Second, Stalin was a former student of Russian Orthodoxy, and many of the leaders of the Khmer Rouge were Buddhists!

    More importantly, I can also easily demonstrate the bad side of governmental-religious marriages: those nations who used god/religion to engage in the crusades, centuries of witch hunts (primarily against women, of course), 1000s (!) of relig. battles, including the centuries-old fighting in Ireland or religious wars in Africa (Kenya et al) ... not to mention Osama bin L. himself, and all the millions of Jihadists who claim they are doing god's work... or how about Iran and its horrific oppression of women - how do they justify this?

    How many men with multiple wives say it is written in their respective scriptures? How many men say it is their right to dominate and oppress women in general, according the Qur. and the Bbl.?

    We know the answer.

    Traditions, no matter how old and 'sacred' must change. People must evolve. Equality must trump everything.

    The most peaceful lands on earth, and the ones with highest standards of living are lands with the lowest church/etc attendance and highest number of agnostics: Finland, Denmark, Sweden, etc. How is it that they have abolished the death penalty and extended so many rights to their citizens? Why are fires not being set every week and gays not being thrown in prison?

    Separation of Mosque/Church/etc. and state is the only way to achieve progress. Human beings are capable of creating a fair government with our own minds.

    I dream of the day when we our morality comes from our brains and our hearts and nothing else, and people treat each other with love and fairness because they have the desire to, not because they fear god and a book tells them to.

  11. Your ignorance is frightening, all of what you mentioned is all Talmudic (satanic) law not god's law. Revelation 17:5 reads, “And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” or "The Synagogue of Satan": an occult power elite which, having rejected Jesus Christ as the Messiah of Israel, conspire to substitute another messiah made in the image of their master, Satan, and to establish a world kingdom under Satan. “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” (Rev. 2:9-10)

    Hitler, Stalin, and Eisenhower and a few other US presidents were Talmudic Crypto-Jews. the so-called Women's right's movement was also lead almost entirely by Talmudic Jewesses, aiming to destroy the family unit which constitutes the fabric of society. all you have to do is read for your self and you will realize that to achieve your dream, you must follow god's law. I advise you to read the King James Bible or the Quraan and see for yourself what they say, because it is how all of these Talmudic Crypto-Jewish world leaders governing that revels what they follow, the coruptable law of man. also Thomas Jefferson said that, “Disobedience to tyrants is obedience to God. We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal.” Promiscuity is bad for social order and leads to criminal children or welfare states in the best of cases. if everyman was responsible for raising his own kids according to god's law there would be no crime, and we would live in a Utopia. for more on the the exposure of the Talmud please go to or may god help you to find truth and light in what you seek.

  12. @anonymous#5 , I agree with you , I could not have said it better dear

    @anonymous#6 how many times shall we say that FGM is not an Islamic practice , it is an African Practice,it is not done in Saudi Arabia or Syria or Iran
    Look dear believe what ever you want but radicalism is not only in Religion

  13. Radicalism is not only in religion, that is true. But too often religion is taken over by radicals and haters like anonymous above who use their beliefs as a way to demonize others. That has to be acknowledged and guarded against.

    And, to the anonymous man (obviously) and jew-hater who writes about the 'so-called women's movement':

    1) You wish it was "so-called". Look around you as women taken power in the world. Women will never stop fighting for their rights, you cannot stop them, and your caste system will be obliterated.

    2) It is the men like you who keep us at constant state of wars with everyone around us.

    What are you even doing reading a woman's blog??

    3) "Talmudic Crypto-Jews" - this one made me laugh. It is not worthy of a reply.


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