
Monday, May 4, 2009

The New Crusaders

I was not surprised or shocked when I saw the video because I know about these Evangelical missionaries in U.S army whether  in Afghanistan or even in Iraq ,oh it is not in Afghanistan only that some U.S army soldiers believe that they are on a holy mission in Old Babel too !!
It is a real crusade for them , actually it is a real crusade because in the old crusades believers in the west world believed that they were on a holy mission and they were ready to kill and get killed for Christ where as their kings wanted to control the fortune of East using religion as a cover.
I know 100% that the U.S army knew very well what they are doing but how about now after being exposed to the whole world not to mention they are breaking clear strict military orders !!?? Will it do something ?? This is not the sort of message Obama would want to send to the Muslim people. Now people in the Muslim world will support Taliban as a resistance movement standing against an invader who wants to change the faith of the people.


  1. Honestly I was not surprised at all. have seen before on you tube in Iraq the same thing. They are wearing the US military clothes but actually they are missionaries to convert hopeless and poor Muslims of Iraqi, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India and Sudan to Christianity by giving them money, food and help. I blamed the Al-Azhar and Sheikh Tantawi for this. Al-Azhar completely sleep and look to the other side and never send any Al-Azhar scholars or religion advisor to above countries to give help to the Muslims there or advise to their Government. In fact Sheikh Tantawi he gave permission to the American Church to convert Muslims in Egypt so I dont expect any good news for Muslims anywhere in the world until we change Al-Azhar! All this because of the Revolutionary officers 1952 destroyed Al-Azhar. Let us pray for the worse and hope for the best.

  2. Zeinobia- You are beginning to sound like a just another blogger who takes everything out of context to support your opinions. Truth is very hard to find in the Muslim world. Many readers will not follow the link to the slightly more balanced Al Jazeera article but I give you the last part to put up in your comments. Surely you could not believe that such stupidity is a policy of the U.S. Government. Clearly it is not U.S. policy but in every society there are radicals and zealots whose exploits are given far more attention than they deserve. This group of believers was reined in by U.S. authorities but enemies of freedom ( and that includes freedom of religion)will always use these foolish episodes to condemn the most open democratic society in the World.

    Questioned about the footage, Greg Julian, a US colonel in Afghanistan, told Al Jazeera: "Most of this is taken out of context ... this is irresponsible and inappropriate journalism.

    "This footage was taken a year ago ... the bibles were taken into custody and not distributed.

    "There is no effort to go out and proselytise to Afghans."

    The footage has surfaced as Barack Obama, the US president, prepares to host Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan's president, at a summit on Tuesday and Wednesday focusing on how to tackle al-Qaeda and Taliban attacks along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. ( In other words just more propoganda timed to get you all riled up.) Suckered again!

    As you can tell I am really upset. Please open your mind and your eyes.

  3. I was so upset when I read your piece I did not check other sources. This link gives more information:

  4. So glad to see this documentary! Good to see these people were caught. Soldiers of ANY religion or nationality should be professional and keep their faith and politics to themselves. Show you are a good person of God (whatever your religion) by your neutral good actions and acts of charity and kindness, yes, even in a war zone. I think a true worker for God can do good deeds... without demanding anything in return... meaning there is no need to 'recruit' or beg for credit to go to Christ or anyone else. Good deeds by good people are all that are needed. I am an American and former soldier and I hope these idiots were BUSTED. What an embarrassment and shame for other, more professional, military members to bear!!

    by the way... please do not be so hateful of the faithful, of any religion, of America... using this example of a handful of individuals - who were so obviously doing wrong that this film maker documented and exposed them because he knew it WAS WRONG - is NOT how you should judge the rest of us. Do not judge the many because of the few.

  5. This is so disgusting but nothing new. There are other videos similar to this one on youtube. However I don't think these soldiers represent the majority of the US military.

    Misrscribe, you have repeatedly accused Zeinobia of bias in topics related to the US-Iraq war, now you're asking her to open her eyes and her mind, and yet you provide us with a link to FOX news! Truth is hard to find in the Muslim world, but we can find it in FOX news, right? I'm sorry that reading this shameful yet factual post made you "so upset", you should check out this website: i love the neo

  6. This is biased! I have met soldiers of all walks of life, some were Muslim,, others Christian, others Jewish. The military does not have a mission to make people Christian as you're alleging! Check your sources for unbiased reporting!
    I'm a journalist myself, Muslim, Arab and living in the US. Don't believe in everything you're being fed!

  7. To the first anon- You make terrible accusations but lack credibility.

    To the Second anon- Thank you for your heartfelt comments

    To the Third anon- Accuse is too strong a word. My concern with Zienobia is not that she is biased- it is because she often accepts as factual the very biased and untruthful reporting from Hamas or Hezbollah sources or other radical America-haters.Many other well educated individuals who should know better do the same. Alas we also have a plethora of educated but uniformed citizens here in the U.S.who believe the U.S. is bad.

    America still has a free albeit very biased press.Once upon a time we had many great newspapers. I lived outside the U.S. for many years and relied on the New York Times and Washington Post for my daily news. News was reported objectively and editorial policy was separate. Unfortunately the NYT which was once a great newspaper has now become a common purveyor of false information. The Washington Post is not quite as bad. You question FOXNEWS. Is that because you really listen to it or have you accepted the claims of the far left and the so called "Main stream media?" FOXNEWS is in fact the No. 1 watched cable news channel in the United States and it is in my opinion the only fair and balanced news available. They distinguish between their news reporting and their commentary.

    I lived quite a few years in Egypt and I have said before that I love Egypt and the Egyptians. America and Americans only want the best for Egypt. We are not the enemy! Don't let others tell you we are. Decide for yourself after considering all the facts.


  8. Misrscribe, accuse is too strong a word yet it's okay for YOU to tell the first anonymous that he or she makes 'terrible accusations but lacks credibility'?!

    Judging by your other comments, it's apparent that you are easily upset/offended by any stories that could lead to negative criticism of the US army. These people in the report certainly do not represent the majority, but the fact is that many violations and atrocities have been committed on the hands of American soldiers, some which are yet to be discovered. And this isn't about you being "the enemy" or whatever, that rhetoric sounds like it came straight from the US defense department.

    Unless you take me for a right wing Republican, your attempt to label FOX as "the only fair and balanced news available" is laughable and pathetic, and just because many Americans are more likely to watch CABLE news doesn't make it as such.

  9. Anon 5th - 100% agreed!!

  10. Last Anon- Obviously you are not a Republican!
    Do you actually give credence to the first anons assertions? You sound too intelligent.

    In every war no matter the nation there are some who misbehave or go too far but the overwhelming majority of U.S. troops follow orders and do their jobs. My gripe is that the incidents are blown out of proportion and often enhanced in the telling. I stand by my appraisal of FOXNEWS and there have been many surveys (Pew Research) that consistently put FOXNEWS on top.I am happy to hear that you do not consider the U.S. as the enemy. Secretary Gates was just there visiting a friend and ally. May it always be so.

  11. @anonymous, I do agree that Al-Ahazr should send his men around the world but I do not recall that Azhar and his sheikh have allowed the missionaries to operate in Egypt directly , most of these missionaries come and operate under the cover of charities , the missionaries are not allowed in the country by the law and already it is banned to spread any religion in Egypt other than Islam. Still I know they are there other but not so successful in Egypt , in fact I believe what they are doing is a blackmail

    @Misrcribe , what kind of bias and how I took everything out of context if the report was focusing about this scandal
    You are telling me to check Fox news which is the Neocons heaven channel and you accuse of being biased !!!?? Why do not you check from the huffington post in the same way !!??
    Yes it is from a year ago but why in the first place these bibles were printed and why these men were in a mission to hunt men down for Jesus !!!??
    I do not attack America nor the American people because if you think so ,then you are the one who are talking what I wrote out of its context
    What I wrote was a criticism to Bush's administration and his crusades . As an educated person I know exactly the right from wrong and which reports are true and other are false.
    In 1951 when the police forces stood in a heroic act against the British forces the western media called it a terrorism , what is difference now from what is happening in Lebanon and Palestine!!

    @anonymous#2 ,believe me I do not judge the many because of few , I respect America and the American people , I am just attacking the Bush administration and the dangerous implication of using religion in promoting its political and economic agenda

    @anonymous#3,thanks for defending me , there are other videos and even websites that promote these missionaries , I saw one of these websites calling for donations !!

    @anonymous #4may be I was not clear when I used the word "US army missionaries" still the evangelical missionaries are active dear whether in Iraq or Afghanistan and unfortunately they use the American army members from time to time. I am not biased , I checked my resources.

    @anonymous#5, Fox News is for sure from the worst channels in the world regardless what is said about its viewership , I have seen many of its coverages and it is unprofessional in its coverage to international events. It covers the event from a republican Neocon point of view

  12. My Dear Zeinobia,

    Your original statement “I was not surprised or shocked “makes it sound as though these self described Missionaries are a common occurrence in the U.S. Military. Do you have any facts confirming the number of such incidents? The video is more than a little ambiguous in what it claims to expose. First- fundamentalists are usually quite fervent while in church and the documentary talks about fundamentalism thriving at a base that holds many thousands. We never get to see a full sweep of the room where the church service is being held (it appears to be a typical base chapel that serves all denominations) but I would guess there were less than a 100 persons present. Second- I assure you that any fundamentalist preacher in the United States would be giving exactly the same fervent proselytizing message to his flock. In Bagram this means that the intended target would also be unbelievers amongst fellow U.S. soldiers. I did not hear anything from the preacher or the others that would actually be incriminating. The British moderator supplies the innuendos. .

    The smaller group meeting is also unclear. There is an unedited version of this portion that has now been released. It is clear that the individuals are discussing distributing the bibles but there are also some exculpatory remarks.Probably why they were edited out to begin with. The bibles certainly raise a legitimate question but as I understand they were sent by one single fundamentalist church to one of its parishioners.

    Religious zeal unfortunately at times leads to excesses. One might ask how a video crew would be welcomed at a meeting where the group is contemplating ways to disobey military orders. The bibles were confiscated later and no proselytizing of Afghans is shown, unless you want to condemn the Captain preacher at the hospital who told an Afghan woman he would pray for the injured child. This so called documentary in my opinion is just another piece of anti-US propaganda and was “much ado about nothing.” However it has been used very effectively by Al Jazeera and those who follow its lead.

    Back to FOXNEWS- NEOCON became a great buzzword to condemn the Iraq war and the Bush administration. It was used very effectively and inspired so much hate that now the United States is in great danger. I used to admire Huffington but she has gone over to the far left which is where Obama is taking our great nation.



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