
Friday, November 20, 2009

10 PM Special Episode

Mona El-Shazely had to present a special episode from 10 PM on Dream TV2  last night , Mona was considered from the moderate voices that rejected the media escalation from both countries along with journalist Wael Al Abrashi who was there in Khartoum and was trapped in a restaurant for hours because of the Algerian thugs. Last night Mona was calm more than all the Egyptian TV hosts and hostesses. The TV show aired reports from Sudan itself and testimonies from people who were there including Wael Al Abrashi and Fardous Abdel Hamid who is by the way a proud Nasserite Pan Arab nationalist. I hope the world sees this episode and I wish I could translate it  so the world knows that we are  not fabricating anything.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to hear what she says if you manage to translate it. I'll stay tuned, this all situation is fool imho.


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