
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Algeria To World Cup

Ok Algeria has won the game and our Egyptian community in Algeria is spared from a fearful fate.

Some people believe we played a bad game ,other say that we did not play well

Some people believe that the Egyptian audience in Sudan were not those who were in Cairo , the third degree audience not those fancy businessmen and D-List actors along with the pale Mubarak brothers.


Bravo and congratulations for Algeria , of course I will be lying if I claim that I am saying it from my heart , it is hard after being attacked in the most disgusting way in the Algerian press systematically , it is hard after the fear our Egyptian community in Algeria live in that they would return to Egypt in coffins because of pure lies by all measures. It is hard because of this crack made by the lies of the Algerian press and please do not tell me Medhat Shalaby said this or Amr Adib said that , there is difference between lies and rudeness. Please do not tell your hooligans did this because in all our games in Algeria Algerian hooligans have become a real legend of terror for us and we did not complain nor did it affect our relations like this.

Many Algerians if not the majority believe that we have killed in Cairo between 4 and 8 fans , we have caused a pregnant fan to lose her pregnancy and we attacked an Algerian minister who was sitting in the VIP box with the Algerian Ambassador and the Mubaraks.

The solace of the Egyptians in this defeat is that the Algerians will spare us from their anger and their press from lies. Man we have become so weak.

Egyptians do forget insults and we have been insulted enough this time but I do not know when we will forget , at least I do not know when shall I forget !!??

A Huge salute to the Egyptian team , I can’t imagine the pressure on them. Even greater salute to coach Hassan Shehata

I have once read wise words :

Do regret on what you have missed and do be so happy with what you have

I will leave you with Shadia and Ya Habibty Ya Masr which was originally released after the six days war if I am not mistaken.

The Algerians got what they want , I hope they forget us now as we have a country with a future to care for ; let’s go back to our debate : Gamal or Omar or El-Baradei plus Haikel’s suggestion.


  1. Merci Zeinobia,
    I'm so happy the game is finished, I'm really disgusted by the turn of evenment, French Algerians are out partying and I wish I had hearth to go party with theim but I don't, my best friends sent me horrible message talking about killing Egyptians... But all this just made my pride beeing Masr biggest has ever.
    Ya Habibty Ya Masr

  2. Their fans are attacking Egyptian fans!! what is this? where is our security? where is the Sudanese security? why are the fans of the winning team attacking the fans of the loosing team?

  3. congratulation to Algeria for going to worldcup and Egypt have to prepare themselves for next worldcup insyallah. I am sad but this is all from Allah swt! if it is true the Algerian fans attacking the losing team that is the most dishonour thing to do! it is just a game of football not a war!

  4. I hope all Algerian people who hurt Egyptians will burn in hell. I urge the Egyptian government to cut diplomatic relations with Algeria. Algeria is a nation of thugs and basterds.

  5. hah-hah
    Finally The arrogance of Egyptians came down to the mud! I wish I could see your faces now!
    No hard feelings please but the Egyptian Media caused that.

  6. euh .... Tension is really high between us ! but let's speak football, We are thugz we are basterds as Mr hazem thinks but we're in World cup ... I really wonder why Arabs can't be like european ?! Ireland lose their ticket for WC after Henry's hand but they're Calm and they whish a good luck for france ! I really like egyptian game but their pride made 'em unpowerful ! Gl0ry Algeria ...

  7. Ahah you talk about Egyptians but look at you guys before giving lessons.
    Algerians are so proud of theimselve that they like pretty much nobody, you should hear an Algerian talk about a Maroccan ahah, you should hear an Algerian talk about a Tunisian ahah, you shoud hear an Algerian talking about a Kahlouch ahah, We heard you talking about Egyptian obviously ahah, then you should hear a Kabyle talk about an Algerian ahah, then I won't talk about the harkys vs moudjahid but ohohohoh you're very funny and skyzophrenic over there,
    good luck for worldcup though... Like you said no hard feelings (finger crossed)

  8. btw on another note, what the hell was jimmy wearing??!?!?!?!?!? does he get fashion tips from george w bush! sudan is not texas jimmy...all he needed was a cowboy hat to go with that outfit!

  9. دوما ردات الفعل السريعة اتجاه الاشياء لا تتصف بالحكمة ، والنظر للامور بشكل جزئي ليس له ابعاد يجعل من اللوحة الكبيرة الرائعة مجرد ضربة فرشاة بلون ما لا يحمل اي من خطوط العمل الفني او فكرته .

    فكرة اي مباراة وجود فريق غالب وآخر مغلوب ، والمباريات بمجملها تختلف وتتشابه وتشبه الايام ، فكم من يوم عصيب محاه الغد باشراقة شمس يوم جديد ، وما يبقى من الماضي او الامس الذكرى التي ترتبط بالعاطفة وسمو العواطف هو النأي بها من اي مهاترات تقلل من شأنها او قيمتها المعنوية والمهمه لدى البشر والعالم المادي المرتبط باشياء ملموسة وفي قبضة اليد يجعل حكمة عصفور في اليد خير من عشرة على الشجره هو المعيار ولكن الصياد او الجائع هو من يناسبه هذا المثل فمن يتامل الطيور وهي تغرد بحرية لا يتشابه مع من يمسك بقبضة يده عصفور ضعيف لن يغني ولن يكون مبتهج بحريته المسلوبه .

    والحرية هنا المنشودة حرية مرور الاشياء كيفما كانت خاصة وان كان الامر اساسه الرياضه لا الفوز فالهدف من الرياضه اللعب والتعاون والحركة في الملعب لصحة الجسد والتشجيع تحصيل حاصل والفوز هدف قد نحرزه او لا وكم من فريق لم ينتصر في الماضي ولكن اشاد الناس بتعاون افراده وتناغم حركتهم الخ

    والروح الرياضيه اساس اللعبة فمن يهزم اليوم يدرك بوعيه ان الهزيمة ليست سوى شئ لحظي فتاريخ الرياضه لم تتوقف مبارياته لا بموت الفرق وانتهائها.

    اذن الرياضه شئ انساني منفصل وقد يرتبط بالوطن والحماس للمنتخب وما شابه من امور تبهج وتعزز العلاقات البشرية فتجد على اختلاف الطوائف او المذاهب يجتمعون على حب واحد و امنية واحده هي فوز فريقهم ومن منطلق هذا الوعي الذي يدعهم يضعون جانبا اختلافاتهم الداخليه عند تشجيع فريق وطني ، هذا الوعي هو ما نراهن عليه كبشر نحمل امانة ونعمة العقل التي تفرض علينا لجم العاطفة وردات الفعل السريعة الخالية من منطق ، فمن منطق اي لعبة وجود غالب ومغلوب ومن منطق اللعبة ان الادوار يتم تبادلها فكل غالب قد هزم سابقا او لاحقا وكل مغلوب سوف ينتصر لاحقا كما انتصر سابقا فهذه هي الرياضه والحياة .

    دخول الاعلام لنقل الاحداث كان نعمة فالبث المباشر المرئي افضل من الراديو ومن انتظار الخبر بالصحيفه وزحمة الملاعب لكن هذا الاعلام تجاوز دوره وبات يسعى لتعبئة الناس بمفاهيم غريبه لاجل البيع او تسيس الناس في امور لا تحتاج سياسه وليس بها مجال لذلك فبتنا نسمع مشكلة النجوم السوريين في مصر (!) اليست هي نفسها مصر التي استقبلت صباح وفريد و نور الهدى و ورده الجزائريه .

    لما بات الاعلام غير مترفع وغير واعي بدوره وتتم بها امور يقوم بها العامة من الناس وتعد مقبولة لاننا في حياة يوميه اما الاعلام فهو جهاز يخضع قبل كل شئ للرقابة الذاتيه فاين مواصفات الاعلامي الذي يلقي الضوء على امور عديده ويحلل الاشياء بنهج يقيد المجاميع الى وعي اكبر لا تضييق مساحة الرؤيا واثارة المشاعر الساخطه او السلبية اتجاه الاشياء .

    من المؤكد اني اطلت الكتابة لكن من بعض ما شاهدت امس اغنية في الفضائيه المصريه قبل المباراة بها مطرب يغني شئ لم احفظه ويقول ياحبيبتي يامصر يامصر وذكرت اغنية شاديه التي وضعتها الاخت زنوبيا مشكوره وقلت لاختي هذه الاغنية حين غنتها شاديه تلمسين الحب في اوتار صوتها بادي وواضح وانفعلات وجهها لم تزل في البال في الاغنية مصوره لايف على مسرح ام المطرب فكان يرقق صوته يااااااااه حساس ، الكل بات يريد ان يكون وان يظهر وهذه هي ازمتنا للاسف الولع في الظهور دفع بشر لا يحملون اي صفات فنية و اعلاميه للضوء نظرا لتلك الرغبة القوية فباتوا يخلطون الاشياء ويقرئونها بطريقة اخرى لا نعيها ولكنها باتت تؤثر على وعي اجيال جديده وتحد من افقه مصر هزمت ولكنها انتصرت سابقا وسوف تنتصر لاحقا وايضا الجزائر فازت وسوف تهزم شئنا ام ابينا لانها طبيعة الحياة لكن الاهم ان لا تهزم هذه الدول من قبل نفسها وتكسر ذاتها دون ان تعي انها تفعل ذلك فالحياة والوطنية والشعب وحقوق الافراد لا تحل بهزيمة او انتصار ليوم واحد ..الحياة ضخمه وكبيره و وتنسينا اسماء من احببنا احيانا في خضم صراعتها وانشغالنا بفهمها والتعامل مع البشر الذين يسكنون بها معنا لذا لا نحمل مباراة فوق ما تستطيع تحمله فحب الوطن وحب الاخوة والعلاقات الدولية امور تتجاوز هذا كله ولا بد من بعض سياسة بمفهومها الايجابي فالسياسة ليست كما هو متعارف عليه في اوساط الدخلاء وهي استخدام السلطة لمصلحة الفرد سواء كان اعلامي او رئيس قناة او رئيس دوله او وزير هذه ليست سياسة فالسياسة بعضها يتلخص في قول شعرة معاويه التي يجب ان ندعها بيننا وبين الناس فان شدوها رخينا وان رخوها شدينا ولنحافظ على تلك الشعرة ولا ننسى بان القشة هي ما كسر ظهر البعير

  10. @ Algerian Anon: Are you an idiot? The whole problem is that Egyptians said good luck and wanted to leave Sudan but then were attacked! They were also attacked in London. What winning team has his fans attack the fans of the loosing team instead of celebrating? How sick can you be when instead of celebrating you are all over you tube making fun of the ppl getting attacked and asking for help online? and writing all sorts of curses? Qualify as much as you want this is not about the match for us, and remember that while your fans did that to defenseless Egyptians in Cairo, Algeria, London, Khartoum, we in Egypt kept the Algerians living among us SAFE. Clearly, your nation or most ppl there lost their minds for this World Cup and this will come back and hunt you MARK MY WORDS

  11. Are you the victims now, my poor Egyptians!!!!
    What we saw in Egypt were animals waiting for official delegation from a neighbouring country to come and play, then leave and you stoned all of them.
    Then I discovered from research that you have the highest number of rapes and sexual harrassement in the world!!!!
    You are a frustrated country limited by monsters at the realm.
    I am ashamed to even call you Muslims.
    Hope we never meet you again (Football or otherwise).
    We all saw your true colours, including the international scene. You should try and talk to other that Algerians and Egyptians and you'll confirm, barbarians still hanging on a millienium old civilization...
    1, 2, 3 viva l'Algerie

  12. @ Algerian idiot Anon:
    So, one time you guys say we did that because there were Algerians killed, another time because your bus was attacked in a contested incident and now you are claiming we waited for your team and fans after the Cairo match!! What is the real reason for all this hatred and violence? The Algerians living in Egypt are safe, the Egyptians living in Algeria have been attacked and some had to leave and rest want to leave and businesses were torched up. The Egyptian fans in Sudan certainly were not waiting to throw rocks at your teams bus or fans all they wanted is to make it to the airport. Why did your fans attack them? and is it manhood to attack men and women who are defenseless?
    Where is that research? Because if you had proper education you will know how to examine a research. Who made it? when? what criteria did they use to collect data? which other countries are listed? Does it take into account disparities in the population between countries?
    Now, let's talk facts, Algerians have been fighting each other for how many years now? how many times did we read about villages attacked at night? Who is really frustrated, the Algerians who have been making headlines with their violence in France for years now? the Algerians who can not get legally into any EU countries? the Algerians known to be drug dealers in several EU countries? why did your fans torch up things in France last week? What type of jobs do Algerians hold around the World? how many Algerians are studying abroad? how many Algerians speak Arabic instead of French, while claiming to be part of the Arab nation? why are you sending thousands of Algerian students to study in Cairo since we are not that great?

    We had an amazing Ancient Egyptian civilization, we had a role during the Greek and Roman Empire, even when we were occupied by the French and then Brits we fought them, refused to adopt their language and helped other nations to gain their independence, even now as bad as things are we still managed to have Nobel prize winners, we still have thousands of Egyptians studying abroad, we have teachers, professors, doctors, scientists, engineers, artists. We have different points of view and we discuss them because we want our country to be better for its ppl. What do you have? What have your people and country achieved since they got their independence? Before mocking Egypt and its ppl tell us what have you and your ppl done to humanity? to Arabs? to Palestine that you milked their cause during this whole football fiasco? Where is this willingness to fight when its really needed? why arent you there? why arent you thinking for a second who in your country is responsible for false news in your newspapers? A few weeks ago an Egyptian paper was closed for publishing lies what have you done to your newspaper that are now responsible for the attacks yesterday?

  13. I think the Anonymous of ( 7:41 PM ) IS Zeinobia herself but anyway : We must say that all what He\She have said are the same tones which The Egyptians have been repeating from 2000 years (at least) till now [about the Great ancient civilization to The British Era ].
    Do you think the universe moves around Egypt?
    No! , O Darling wake up ! The World is wide open!
    There is a lot of Great civilizations that give the Humanity a great things more than yours did!.
    And during the Macedonian Empire and The Roman Empire [ 332 BC TO 639 AC ] you were just slaves to them ( study the history again please.
    AND BEFORE that , In Egyptian History itself The Egyptians were just slaves to The pharaoh whom deified himself! so Just stop about being so arrogant and to be an honest person The Algerian people fought France more than you did against The British.

  14. Algeria...did not pass the first round.. will be kicked by any europe team... hahaha


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