
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Mona El-Shazely’s Intro Tonight

Did you see Mona El-Shazely’s intro in her TV news night show “10 PM” ?? Did you see and hear what Mona has said !!??

Mona technically opened the fire on Nazif’s cabinet,the media, Al Ahram newspaper, Tamer Hosni, the ministry of foreign affairs, the Parliament ,the Egyptian football association and Aisha Abdel Hady.”in that specific incident” 

Today I felt so angry and violated , I was frustrated that our regime did what it is best at and made us lose our rights after all these Algerian attacks whether in the media or in Khartoum or the Egyptian interests in Algeria itself. I feel so tired as if I am speaking in a lonely valley and suddenly Mona came to express this anger in a very moderate way comparing to my anger.

Of course for Mona ,it was not moderate. Mona was tough in her attack more than usual; yes other TV hosts use to attack the regime more like the daily attack of Muslamany but this was something new for Mona.

Now there are speculations that this could be her last episode from her popular show and I wish this will be untrue because she is the most valuable asset in Dream TV ; Dream TV will suffer a lot without her and Ahmed Bahgat knows this very well.

Again Hats off to El-Shazely , she was my voice to the world on air ; in fact she was not my voice only but the voice of 80 million Egyptians who got sick of this humiliation and inconsideration from the regime’s part.

By the way according to sources Mona improvised her intro on air. 


  1. i wish that you could post here the video of the show for people like me who are outside Egypt could watch and would really appreciate it thanks.

  2. and I wish you Eid Adha Mubarak insyallah.

  3. Please if you find any record of this episode on youtube or whatever share it cause i couldn't find it anywhere

  4. Eid Mubarak.

    Good link:

  5. Here is good link as well:

    Check the article in Time Magazine:

    Political Fallout of Egypt's Soccer War

    Eid Mubarak

  6. Yep video link would be great. Thanks!

  7. I saw her. She was amazing! I was astonished to here what she said in fact.

    A video would be superb


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