
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Watch This Other Video

What makes me angry the fact that we are being accused in front of the whole the world of lying. Please watch this segment from Cairo Today show as there is a part of a documentary that chronicles the events of before and after the two matches from Egyptian point of view with English translation.


  1. I would like to know your opinion about this ?? please

  2. El 3eyn bel 3eyn.
    Zekretek da3eefa awy. Enti konti feen lama el la3eeba el gaza2eryeen etdarabo fe Masr ? Where was your anger at that time ?

  3. @anonymous , I saw it and it is obvious that Mohamed Fouad and Haitham Shaker were in Tarek Nour's company which it is not something they denied , on the contrary both of them they said that they headed Tarek Nour's company in Khartoum along with the group they had to find a refugee
    I want to ask you a question : did you see the bus he was there ?? do you think he was lying about it too ??

    @anonymous#2 and where have you been when our players were attacked in 3anaba and in Algeria ever time they went to play there ??

  4. Z, keep up the good work. Its no use the truth is very clear to those who want to see it. Sudanese authorities confirmed the attacks several times, Sudanese eye-witnesses confirmed them and yet we still have ppl who want to deny it even happened. Then you have those who justify the whole lost of attacks on Egyptians in several countries from Algeria, London, France, Spain and Sudan, by the contested bus incident. Add to them those who claim these were fights between fans, even though Egyptian fans did not even try to engage with Algerian fans! And the worse of them all those who do not know or do not want to remember that in the laws of all countries intimidation and causing one to fear for his life is A CRIME.
    The thing is this was planned and organized and represents a crime or several crimes to be more accurate and that is the main reason ppl got so angry.
    @ Anon "El 3eyn bel 3eyn" So, let's try to follow your twisted understanding of this rule, If x person made a certain claim against you, made a report with the police and an investigation was open does that give him grounds to go and attack you? attack your relatives elsewhere just because they are your relatives? burn their houses/businesses? or your house/business? ask his relatives and friends to attack you or any of your relatives no matter where they were found?! El 3eyn Bel 3eyn mention in torah and Quran does not apply when there is an authority otherwise each person will be allowed to avenge what ever claims he made against others and we will be living in a very savage World.


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