
Thursday, April 22, 2010

An Annual Warning Or a Precaution !!??

Israel has issued a warning to its citizens to evacuate Sinai immediately for fear of terrorist attacks , it is not the first time nor the last especially in April after the 2006 Dahab bombing but this year we have to wonder if it has to do with the President's health !!??

Do not be surprised , the President is in Sharm El-Sheikh and seems to rest there for more time , Israel may have or may not some int'l about his health and is worried about its citizens that if something happens to him ,they would be hurt !!??

May be I am mixing things up and it is just a bad memory from the bombing at Dahab !!


  1. i anticipated something like that to happen, in fact i anticipated a 'terrorist attack' charade this month but that warning is just as good.

    next month the 'state of emergency' legally ends. as it has always been the case, it gets renewed by presidential decree, however they have different plans this time.

    with so much talk about the notorious and constitutionally illegal 'emergency law', 'they' plan to replace it with a new constitutional law under 'the war against terror' pretence. naturally it will be discussed briefly in a bogus house session before it gets approved by the NDP majority.

    the new law will even be more ghastly than the current state of emergency since it will be hard-coded within the constitution itself. meaning all the same state-security 'privileges' in detaining and prosecuting under a title' suspicion of terrorism'. even better they will no longer have to worry about renewing it and the kerfuffle that generates every time.

    the opposition will be challenging that law as giving 'legal' cover for arresting and detaining without an issued warranty.

    if a terrorist attack happens or when israel issues such a warning, it's only helping the mubarak argument that such a law is indeed needed since terrorism is live and well.

    previous sinai attacks happened a few months short before the usual renewal who really benefits from these terror attacks?

  2. More nonsense from Zeinobia.

  3. It seems Israel's warning was acurate, as all ways:

    Yeah, it's all a conspiracy Zeinobia.


    I'm sure you're disapointed the rockets didn't hit Eilat.

  4. @Joel: Yes we are all disappointed these rockets didnt hit target, next time may be and BTW the real name is Oum Al Rishrash, Eilat is what the Zionist land grabbers call it to cover up their stealing

    @ Z: Israel makes the same warning almost every 2 months, only this time it was stronger and if this is what it takes to push away filthy Israeli tourists then so be it, they are already considered some of the worst tourists to visit Sinai.

  5. To Anonymous

    Actually it's the other way aroud: first the city was called Eilat (sine biblical times) and then, after the Arabs stole it from the Jews, they renamed it Umm Rashrash.

  6. it's not about what town was called what, it's about who historically lived there. the hebrew people do not have any legitimate claim to any land, town or city because historically they were nomads..tribal clans travelling across the region without a regular lasting settlement.

    in other words, the hebrews were like today's bedouin tribes..they herd goats and travel to where there's enough rainfall/vegetation to support their livestock.

    these are facts they are mentioned in textual references in ancient egypt.

    hebrews claiming they historically have rights in palestine or whichever is like gypsies declaring a state on romanian soil. however some do take 'holy' books as reference and legitimate proof of non-existent rights , those obviously need to have their brains checked.

  7. @Joel: dnt forget your medication hun and mark my words, Western occupiers always came and always left and Zionists are nothing but a phase in the history of the region. Yes Im sure Wikipedia is a reliable source for info and im sure any thing that serves the Zionist claims must be the truth right. Also, please dnt smear a respected religion like Judaism with the criminal actions of ppl like you, if you were a true jew u'd know Israel is nothing but defying Gods orders to the Jews.

  8. Anonymous mark my words:
    Occupiers of Israel (Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Turks and British) always came and left, and we always overcame them and we continued to live in our land. So we will also over come the Arab Muslim occupiers.

    If Wikipedia is such an unreliable source and controled by Zionists why does Zeinobia always link to it? Is she a Zionist agent?

    Anonymous said : "Israel is nothing but defying Gods orders to the Jews" (meaning Judaism has no connection to Israel)

    betatester5 said: "some do take 'holy' books as reference and legitimate proof of non-existent rights" (meaning Judaism has a connction to Israel)

    Notice the contradiction? Since you are both such experts on Judaism maybe you can tell me where in the bible does it say that Jews have no connection to Israel.

    Matter of fact you might be shocked to know that also the Quran says that Israel belongs to the Jews in 2:58, 4:154, 5:21, 7:137, 7:161, 10:93, 17:104, 21:105, 24:55, 26:59, 28:6. So by occupying Israel Muslims are defying god's words.

    To betatester5,
    It is very importanst what was the original name of a town because just like every other imperialsts and colonialists the Arabs changed names of towns to erase any connection of the indiginous ppl to that town or land. They did it in every land they occupied and still do so in North Africa were they are constantly changing names of Berber towns to Arab ones. Qaddafi, for example, once said that Berbers don't exist in North Africa only Arabs.

    The Romans did the same in Israel: they renamed Judea "Palestine" (the Arabs adopted this name as Falastin), they renamed Jerusalem "Aelia Capitolina" and they renamed Shechem "Nea Polis" which means New City in Greek (the Arabs adopted this name as Nablus). They also distroyed our temple just like the Arabs build mosques on our holy sites to erase any Jewish connection to those sites.

    I'm sorry to break the news to ya but the Jews ceased to be nomads 3200 yrs ago ever since they entered the land of Canaan and have been living there ever since. They established kingdoms there, a capital, a temple and a vast anount of literature, like the Old and New Testaments, the Mishnah and the Jerusalemite Talmud. And even when most, but not all, the Jews were in exile they didn't lose touch with their land. So they are certainly not Beduins.

    But since the Arabs were, and some still are, Beduins maybe they have no right to any land? Maybe you should go tell Qaddafi the Beduin he has no claim to Libya.

    The Gypsies originated from India not Romania.


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