
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Another NDP MP !!

You read about Hamida and El-Kasas , you also read about El-Gol but now you will see and hear the famous NDP MP , former Police general Nabil Luka !!

This is a confrontation between Luka ,the hardliner defender of the regime and Rageb Hamida , the so-called opposition MP from one side  and Political activists  like Gamila Ismail, Janet Abdel Allim and blogger Abdel Rahman Fares in the first part of the show and American Journalist Sally Beach, Asama Abdel Mahfouz and Safaa Sultan from another side plus Sawt El-Oma Journalist Ahmed Abu Al-Khair . Janet and Fares were among the people who were abducted and abused by the police forces on the last 6th of April in a disgusting way, I did not sleep easily the night I saw Janet speaking about how she was abused by the policewomen or how the policemen took off Fares' pants.

It is not translated but you do not need a translation as the body language and his loud voice are enough to show what we are dealing with !!

Luka is a former police general as I hinted and has about 5 or 6 PHD in many different things like for instance : Islamic Sharia, Law, human rights , politics and economy !! I do not know how or when the former police general found all that time for these PHDs !!

Luka has become famous of being a NDP and regime defender when he appeared defending the ministry of interior's aggression and abuse against the Egyptian activists in 2005 and in 2006 especially after he attacked late journalist Nawal who was sexually harassed by the police offers and NDPians in the street in the infamous Press syndication staircase protest. FYI Nawal has passed last year after having cancer, her insistence to take back her rights made her lose both her job and her husband.

Luka is also remembered for his attack on Egyptian activist and journalist Abeer El-Askry who was assaulted by police from couple of years ago. Abeer has left the country and is currently lives in Canada.

Gamila , Janet , Asama , Sally and Abdel Rahman have taught Luka a lesson for real , seriously I love how Janet reminded him by Abeer and Nawal , also how Wael Al-Abrashi reminded the viewer how he acted with late Nawal May Allah bless her soul.

The show also discussed the Hamida and El-Kasass' demand to the ministry of interior to use live ammunition , of course Hamida is denying his statement attacking Sawt Al-Oma's parliament correspondent who attended the shameful session where Hamida and El-Kasass suggested their wonderful suggestion. Of course Hamida has denied the allegation claiming that the journalists fabricated his words which is untrue because all the journalists in the first 24 hours agreed that those two idiots said.

In the end you must know general Luka is accused of torturing a taxi driver till death when he was the sheriff of the Wayly police station and still till this moment nobody knows from where Rageb Hamid formed his fortune as he did not hide that he started  his life selling meat liver on a cart in the street !!


  1. I wish I understood Arabic. This is high drama. Luka shouts at the top of his lungs. The studio has run the audio through a compressor/limiter, a technique to allow soft-spoken people and loudmouths both to be heard, otherwise you'd only hear Luka. What a boor.

  2. I felt so sorry for Wael Al Abrashi , the man should undergo a hearing test


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