
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bobby Chinn

Honestly I did not know who Bobby Chinn was when I was reading about his book signing at Diwan. He seemed very interesting , half Egypt -half Chinese "oh yes" working as a chef or rather a celeb chef and as someone who always follows the achievements of Egyptians or half Egyptians I decided to know more about MR. Chinn who appeared in almost all the lifestyle magazines this month in Egypt.
Bobby as mentioned above is half Egyptian-half Chinese 'it is easy to guess which parent is Egyptian' born in New-Zealand ,educated in England and then moved to the States to peruse a different new career other than business. His journey did not end there ,in fact it had just started he became a chef with passion to Asian food , he moved to Vietnam to learn its cuisine where he settled down. It seems that Vietnam was good for as he opened a famous restaurant there , wrote a book about the Vietnamese cuisine and had his own TV show too !!
Bobby Came lately late to market his book in Egypt , it is nice thing for sure but it would nicer if Sharif Madkour host him to see the complete madness live on TV.
I wish all the luck and success to Chinn but I hope that he does not neglect his mother's homeland cuisine as it is very rich . I wish that the lifestyle magazines to be kind enough to tell us who is MR.Bobby Chinn as not all of us are familiar with the Chinese or Vietnamese cuisine also I would like to remind them that our cuisine is not that bad or old fashioned.


  1. wow....sounds really interesting...!!!!

    where do you find these treasures, dear???

  2. Well my mom and aunts love lifestyle magazines ,You will be surprised by the amount of information you can find there from who is who in Ubr rich class and strange findings like MR.Chinn

  3. i read this book..its a waste of money...nothing interesting there !

  4. Bobby Chinn is brilliant and always talks warmly of Eygpt and it's food. You can see more about him on his web site

  5. Doesn't take u much time to fall in love with Bobby once u watch him , u can sense the middle eastern warmth n unbelievable sense of humor along with his amazing communication skills and cooking talent ! His episodes about Egypt,Palestine and the middle east r very inspiring , and reflects his passion towards his roots !


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