
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Egyptian X-File : The Bribe Of Corrupted MR. X

There is a public demand now that the Egyptian government should reveal the name of that governmental official who took bribes from Daimler  , it is a normal demand  especially that other countries have done this and Daimler confused that it is guilty but up till now the government is acting as if there is nothing !!

The American justice department stated that it can't reveal the name of that official except by the request of the Egyptian government and up till now contrary to the claims of the minister Rashid of trade and industry that the U.S must disclose the bribe case info , the Egyptian government has not demanded the announcement of this official publicly.

According to the revealed information in our local media the bribe was related to the spare parts used in automobiles manufactured in the factories owned by the states , it has nothing to do with the consumer sector. This is what was revealed or to be allowed but I am afraid there is more as according to the summary of action presented by the U.S securities and exchange commission against Daimler AG as we find the following in pages 7 and 8 :

Daimler, for example, maintained a TPA called "Consulting Egypt" for the
benefit of a senior official of a government-owned factory that purchased Daimler chassis and parts and assembled and sold personnel carriers to the Egyptian Army. From 1998 to 2004, Daimler paid the official through credits to the TPA 1,123,224 Deutsche Mark ("DM") and later €322,101 to secure the sale of vehicle chassis and fire trucks to the factory.

We can get a lot of clues from that tiny paragraph in order to reach to our corrupted MR.X :

1//That "government owned factory" that purchased Daimler Chassis and fire trucks in order to sell it later to the Egyptian army is none other than a factory from the military production factories which follow the ministry of military production !!

2// If it is really a factorys that follow the military production ,then it is easy to guess which one it is ; already we have a factory that sells chassis and fire trucks , through the official website of the ministry we can find that the "ETP" produces fire trucks but for civilian use according to its profile  , of course let's agree that these factories were made in 1950s to serve the army first then they started to serve the civilian market so most probably it is the "ETP" , someone was or is corrupted there.

3// This happened from 1998 to 2004 , which means it happened during three cabinets considering the fact we do not know when the bribes had stopped in 2004 as Ahmed Nazif formed his first cabinet in July 2004. This corrupted official had served for sure in both El-Ganzoury and Abid's cabinet. He served under the two ministers of state for military productions : El-Gamrawy "During El-Ganzoury's cabint" and Mashal "During Abid and Nazif cabinets" accordingly.

I do not understand why the government does not request officially the name of that corrupted person ,we got a corrupted person who is dangerous on our national security that does not give a damn on the supplies he uses in vehicles to be used by the Egyptian army ,our army !!?? Regardless of the brand , he took a bribe for God sake next thing he would sell our secrets and please do not underestimate this. Already taking accepting to take a bribe from one company means that he did it before and knew the roles of the game.

Of course may be because this scandal is indirectly related to the army the regime is afraid to reveal more about for fear it would open Pandora's box of the army and its taboos. Still I must confess I like how the people spoke about the scandal as something expected from this government and this regime attacking the government for its silence when the whole world is speaking

I hope that the Military intelligence gets this corrupted person, in fact may be they got him from day one , I do not think that they did not read that report which is everywhere online.

You can read the complete report below , unfortunately you will not find of MR. X's name in it.

SEC v. Daimler AG

Sources :


  1. its either someone from the presidency house or close aids or most probably from the army. there are plenty of clues if our DA wants to do his job and also we read in the papers that Egypt made a request to the US, but apparently this is not the case

  2. it doesn't matter who was bribed. corruption in e runs deep and everybody in power is involved so it's not about one official even if that person is the one who physically accepted bribery; he's just a front for a whole corrupted cartel.. they all share the spoils together.

    if or when a corrupted official name is disclosed, it's merely to present a scapegoat to the angry public and it shouldn't be considered as a genuine act of transparency or fighting corruption

  3. Don't forget the Armored-S class Car he got also.
    How Many private Armored S-Class cars are there.


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