
Monday, April 26, 2010

Eman Beibars Is An entrepreneur !!??

As you know the Obama administration is hosting the big economic summit "Promoting Entrepreneurship in the Islamic world" as if the Muslim world did not know the meaning of entrepreneurship until Obama came and said his famous speech in Cairo !!

There are businessmen and businesswomen participating in the big event from Egypt , among them the notorious Eman Beibars whose name was engraved in my memory after what happened from harassment against protesters in 2005 , I remember that Beibars was accused among other NDPians of organizing the attacks.

Back to  the big summit in D.C , I do not know if the Obama administration is fooling itself or what as you can't have a real entrepreneurship in the Islamic world as long as it is ruled by corrupted regimes backed by the U.S administrations !!


  1. " Beibars was accused among other NDPians of organizing the attacks."

    Nevertheless,she lost the Parliment elections in Manyal...

  2. Muslims shouldn't attend this summit since there will be an Israeli delegation there. So attending this summit is tantamount to recognizing the State of Israel and we don't want that, do we?

    From Asharq al-Awsat:

    "[Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Ben] Rhodes also said that participants from Israel were invited to attend this summit on the basis that Israel is a "very dynamic and entrepreneurial country and we believe it has a unique view of catalyzing entrepreneurship, given, again, the economic growth that they've demonstrated." He added that "this is not a summit focused on political issues. It's focused on entrepreneurial issues, so we believe that this is an area where people can work together to serve their mutual interests."


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