
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Is This The Best You Can Do !!??

Here is the Egypt Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo 2010
The Egyptian Pavilion in Shanghai World Expo 2010-Reuters

Can somebody tell me how this design represents Egypt !!? With all our history and all our culture , this what will attract the visitors at the Shanghai World Expo to visit our Pavilion !!??
More than 190 countries are participating in this huge world event and this is how we will attract the visitors from all over the world not only China to visit our pavilion !! Look to other countries' pavilions and you will know what I mean.
Here is the official website of the Shanghai World Expo.
By the way , do not you wonder like me when we will host World Expo in Egypt !!??


  1. Egyptian pavilion beats the British pavilion which looks like......use your imagination!

  2. The tunisian one is interesting ;-)

  3. :s
    مش حاسة ان فيه أى مدلولية لثقافتنا شكرأ على تعريفى بالحدث ده

  4. Muslims shouldn't attend this summit since there will be an Israeli delegation there. So attending this summit is tantamount to recognizing the State of Israel and we don't want that, do we?

    From Asharq al-Awsat:

    "[Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Ben] Rhodes also said that participants from Israel were invited to attend this summit on the basis that Israel is a "very dynamic and entrepreneurial country and we believe it has a unique view of catalyzing entrepreneurship, given, again, the economic growth that they've demonstrated." He added that "this is not a summit focused on political issues. It's focused on entrepreneurial issues, so we believe that this is an area where people can work together to serve their mutual interests."

  5. It looks very much like Farouk Housni art and paintings

  6. is there a button to filter the paid israeli bloggers here?

  7. that is ridiculous and nothing! was expecting something 'Wow' especially Egypt is birth place of civilization and rich with its history, so would expect something beautiful and wow factor of design! too bad.

  8. i am looking for our pavilion, Wow that is!!! add Zero beside the old Zeroo


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