
Saturday, April 17, 2010

This Will Make Youm7 Front Page

BBC News published a report about gays in Egypt and it was the usual thing about the poor repression those gays suffer in this retard country of Egypt with the same face speaking about the big taboo : Hossam Bahget , Gay Egypt Website webmaster and Maher Sabry !!

This report will make Youm 7 front page for sure. By the way I once read an interview for the ministry of interior's internet crimes department chief and he was barraging that that his department cracked all the gay websites in Egypt , I think his men have forgotten Gay Egypt !!

It is amazing how that department follows political activists websites and leave this website !!


  1. Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all.

  2. lol do u think they didnt try to crack it?! the website is uploaded from outside Egypt.
    Anyway it's a useless website and very outdated

    Oh and btw Zenobia, would u plz stop being such a homophobe? :s

  3. I just read the BBC article. You writing style for this article does give the impression that you are not very sympathetic to the plight of gays in Egypt. (Perhaps you are sympathetic but it did not come across this way.not even neutral) To me, the BBC article is more in keeping with many things I have picked up through your interesting and informative blog: namely that human rights are being violated in Egypt. I don`t think that we should be selective in who, or what group, should fall under the umbrella of `human rigths`. For me , I am against the violation of human rights it against a person`s political stand, religion, sexual orientation..whatever. We can not be selective at this point...we lose credibility in our argument that human rights applies to ALL people..

  4. @IQ and Lili: I cant speak for Z on how she feels regarding homosexuals but to be very honest, while Im against the stupid way the police use to deal with them. and while I feel for their agony on a human to human basis, Im against granting them rights to get married and have or adopt kids. Each society has its own values and views and just bec something is tolerated in the West that doesnt mean we have to follow. The Egyptian cabinet at some point had 3 homosexual ministers and one of them is still there. There are several society figures known to be homosexuals and they are living their lives normally and were never denied admiration or respect for their work but granting them such rights simply has no place in the county were ppl be it Muslims or Christians tend to give space to religion in their lives. Im sure Ill be called backwards and homophobe, I actually have no problem at all.

    On a side note, isnt it funny how the police are doing their best to crack down on homosexuals while at the same time sodomy is one of the main tools used against political activists?!!

  5. To Anonymous: Just to clarify, I was refering to the human rights of all people, I was not comparing the way gays are treated in the "West" {marriage, adoption etc). I am totally for gays, indeed all people, being allowed to live in peace and safety in their own societies. I reiterate that when I think of human rights I like to think that I am referring to all human beings... From your opening sentences..I can assure you we are on the same page. Regards.

  6. @Anonymous: Trying living in my shoes for one day and then let's c what will ur opinion be! :)


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