
Friday, May 14, 2010

And A Senator There Married A 13 Years old Egyptian girl too !!

Youm 7 is reporting that an Egyptian engineer has been killed in an ambush in Nigeria and of course there is a lot of anger among many Egyptians who believe we have become cheap in the world. Of course the newspaper forgot to mention that what happened to the late engineer could have happened to any other person regardless of his nationality , those who have killed did not check his passport first especially we are speaking about country on the verge of instability thanks to the growing tensions between Muslims and Christians there.

I hope that those angry Egyptians to be angry for his murder to be angry from our embassy for leaving a 13 years old Egyptian girl due to poverty marry a man 3 times older than her just because he is a senator and we do not interfere in other countries' internal issues !!!??

I do not know why our press does not give to the Yerima's scandal the same importance it gave to the Katarmaya incident when the whole world spoke about it !!


  1. The incident took place in the South, so most probably it's linked to rebels there who attack foreign corporates employees. They accuse foreigners of stealing their resources, especially oil.

    About the Senator, unfortunately it's one instance out of thousands. Besides, you can't expect much attention from a public that is becoming more and more religiously radicalized thus believing child marriages acceptable.

  2. "country on the verge of instability thanks to the growing tensions between Muslims and Christians there."

    Zeinobia, what you said above is what people say about Egypt, whenever there is an issue. I say forget about "growing tensions", because they have been this way for a long time, and I don't think any mention of or lack of mention thereof would have made a difference.

    Why do I believe this, because you start off by saying "many Egyptians who believe we have become cheap in the world". So is this about Egyptian nationaility or about Islam?

    And on another note, "foreigners" do steal Nigeria's resourses, they are not mere accusations, it's the truth.


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