
Monday, May 3, 2010

Back In 2005 She Was Accused

I remember and other remember too that DR. Eman Bibers who is currently being praised in the American media as a Muslim woman entrepreneur was accused of being among the faithful NDP leaders behind the disgusting attack on women activists on the 25th May 2005.

I remember her being accused of bringing female thugs from her area, she was then a member in the parliament , some eye witnesses saw her wearing a black niqab in the scene on that bloody day. Already the female thugs were seen holding pro-Mubarak banners with her name and the name of her charity !!

I remember Emam appeared on the media insisting that she was innocent swearing with her strong voice1 that she was out of the country despite she did not show us a proof on that if my memory is not weak !! Unfortunately back then in 2005 activists did not start to use the internet to document all these attacks and accusations in video. On that day late Nawal Ali along other women activists were sexually harassed.

Eman Bibers lost in the following parliamentary elections in the same way the NDP gets rid of all those sons and daughters that embarrassed it directly and indirectly !! It is ironically how she claims to be a feminist in the region where as she did not respect the rights of those women’s activists on the 25th of May 2005.

Now she writes in the Huffington about the cooperation between the Muslim world and the United States for the world peace..etc , already she will not be the first pretender to write at HP still many people will think that she represents Egyptian and Muslim women while she only represents herself.

I do not know why I remember the fantastic Lebanese-Egyptian woman entrepreneur Fatimah Youssef aka Rosa Youssef !!

1. I remember she was wearing a provoking magnate pink suit with lots of make up that made her look like a drag queen.


  1. Amazing...!!! Rosa Elyoussef is just the same peron I recalled upon reading your article.

  2. Dear Zeinobia, don't you mean magenta pink?

  3. Would you PLEASE leave the US out of Egyptian politics? You hate the US. Everyone gets it. The US is not going to support the Egyptian alleged "democracy" movement. Everyone gets it. What possible reason could you have to continue ranting about the US? Are you just trying to get on everyone's nerves? And what are you going on about with the "feminism" crap? How many feminists are their in Egypt? Two? Maybe three? That's less than the number of Egyptians who support actual secular democracy in Egypt, which was about 12 last I checked.


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