
Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Black Zone

The dead are speaking to us , shall we listen !!??

Please spread that post and this post as much as you can.

Expect more coverage insh Allah.


  1. Thank you for posting this shocking and sad discovery of mass grave of Egyptian soldiers who died in this war without a fight! they were like sitting ducks because the Egyptian Defence Minister that time was having great time with belly dancers and movie actress and Egyptian army being slaughtered. I hope Mubarak regime can bring justice to this victims of war. May Allah swt bless their souls and placed them in Jannah. Please never forget what the Israeli did to the Egyptian soldiers and to the Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians.

    I hope you could post also the show showing the taping of the mass grave here.

  2. Israel military machine should be put on trial for these murders. A POW should be treated as a soldier and given their rights according to international laws.
    On the other hand, the Egyptian army leaders,its intelligence and their main leader Nasser should be tried for leading young men into a war they were not prepared for and knew they could not win.

  3. @anon. i totally agreed!

  4. The major fault is not that of Israel , it is that of the Egyptian Military leadership in 1967 …..!!! they gave an impression that these souls are simply worthless!!!

    Nobody denies Israel's responsibility for these massacres,but I am fully sure that the Egyptian Nasserite Army would have committed even worse crimes to Israeli POWs if the Israeli Military leadership had treated its forces so carelessly ....!!!! It is an indirect message that these young men are simply worthless...!!!!!

  5. How can you be so sure !!?? first of all this was not the Egyptian Nasserite army , this was and is the Egyptian army and I do not know what is worst that pouring napalm on soldiers walking in the desert and walking by tanks on their bodies while they were alive.
    My dear please do not make your hate to Nasser make you forget that the Israeli defense forces have been always committing war crimes against humanity since Deir Yassin and Kafr Assam
    I would like to read Egyptian POWs. net
    Again the Egyptian Nasserite army is a big word I know even the veterans of 1973 and 1967 will be insulted by
    The Egyptian army has and had never treated any POWs in a way less what our religions and international laws have ordered and this is something I have found through my own search

  6. Well,we can at least say the Nasserite leadership.Zionists have always been brutal and till now nobody can forget about QANA and the poor,Jew by the way , Rachel Corie.What I meant is two things: First : the Sudden Isreali Victory was even greater that what they could have imagined in their sweetest dreams. They simply could not afford having this vast number of POWs to their prisons so they took the easiest action throughout the history of human wars : NUMBER REDUCTION.

    The Second thing is that they were perfectly sure such a random,disorganised leadership will never take a true action to seek the rights of these martyrs.If it had cared about their souls and dignity,they wouldn't have been thrown in the desert with no plan A,no plan B,no aircraft sheild,nothing but their own courage ...!!! Moreover,I have one of my friends whose father - in - law is Bedouin.The old man saw himself the Israeli aircrafts flying at low altitudes to chase Egyptian Soldiers -running on foot in the desert- as a sort of fun , hunting sport maybe ...!!!Could this have happened if the (enlighted) leadership had considered the data reported by several spies including the famous Refaa't Elgammal about an expected air-raid on our military airports on the 5th of June ,even as a sort of overpreacaution??

    Dear, you said : " The Egyptian army has and had never treated any POWs in a way less what our religions and international laws have ordered and this is something I have found through my own search "

    yes,I am as sure as you are ,but this applies to the wars in which we had captured POWs .About 1967 ,in light of what we all know about how Egyptians themselves were treated in prisons ,and the famous tragic story about Shohdy Attia's death , I can never imagine a better Egyptian treatment to Israeli POWs,especially that the Egyptian leadership would have had the same motive the Israeli had in reality : POWER SHOW OFF.

    You also said :

    " please do not make your hate to Nasser make you forget "

    I do not judge based on my hatred of Nasser ,dear and I do not just hate the man bec.I did not like his looks.It is simply vice versa,I hate him for this enormous 1967 shameful tragedy among many other issues.16 ,000 Egyptian young men who died in the most humuliating possible ways,and the weapons he had deprived his people from their very basic needs to buy from USSR ,the broken-hearted parents,the widows,the orphans,the handicapped ,the psycologically disturbed ,the homeless,the political prisoners who had lost their lives - whether truly or virtually - behind bars while their families knew nothing about their fates....for the sake of these I curse him with every single breath,may be more than I curse the true killers.Remember the Prophet Muhammed 's(PBUH) saying :" Each of you is a leader , and every leader is responsible for those who follow him "

  7. @akher ayam elkhareef, Its very difficult to debate someone who uses religious verses to justify his or her cause. You hate president Nasser because you blame him for the loss of 1967 war even though field marshal Amer was the true leader of the army at that time and the main reason Egypt had lost the war.
    You also called 1919 revolution a successful revolution in a previous post!! as far as I know, Egyptians had gained little or none from that revolution and Saad Zaghlol spent the rest of his life gambling.
    Look president Nasser with all his shortcomings, was a true leader who respected himself and his people. He loved and was loved by most Egyptians. I invite you to watch all president Nasser's speeches after 1967 on the Alexandria library's website. You will notice that he started all his speeches by asking the audience to stand up for a minute in respect of all our martyrs.

  8. Hazem...

    I already saw all Nasser's speeches on the Alexandria library's website...nobody can judge people's conscience except GOD but I simply believe he was a clever pretender...!!!!Anyway ,what makes me greatly astonished is that you say : " even though field marshal Amer was the true leader of the army at that time." really???and Mr.President is supposed to stay at home watching football on TV???Amer was a big failure ,that is right,but Nasser,if he was really not involved in managing the nation's army at that critical timing as you say ,would be a greater failure...I am sorry to say.and by the way,who gave Amer the rank of Field marshal???Wasn't it Nasser??the TRUE leader as you call him??

    In the company where I work,any employee who is caught with any violation his direct manager and his manager's manager as well are blamed even before him.It is either that they had known about it and so they are not worth trust,or they had not known at all and so they are not doing their jobs efficiently.In both cases,they do not deserve their posts.This is management ,dear...I am sorry to say so.

    Saad Zaghloul was a gambler,yes..but he was able to gather all Egyptians around him despite he did not rule..he did everything possible for his country with a full support from people..the atmosphere was not much supportive,but he left an unerasable mark in our history.It is me who advise you to read more about this great man,great even in admitting his weaknesses.

    Anyway,conflict in opinion can never cause a dispute as they say.

  9. Anonymous said...

    "Israel military machine should be put on trial for these murders. A POW should be treated as a soldier and given their rights according to international laws.
    On the other hand, the Egyptian army leaders,its intelligence and their main leader Nasser should be tried for leading young men into a war they were not prepared for and knew they could not win."

    I fully agree


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