
Monday, May 3, 2010

The Interview Of The Week : Tamer Hosni’s Two Cents About the Presidential Elections 2011!!

After the terrible events of the day I thought of sharing this interview with you , which is by far the most entertaining interview Tamer Hosni has ever done !! I do not know if Dostor intended to publish this interview in a whole page in that way to show to the world the ignorance and arrogance of Tamer Hosni or to show the level of ignorance our society is suffering from as artists reflect their societies and the fact that Hosni is so popular means that he reflects a huge segment of people !!

Tamer Hosni hates Amr Diab and wants to crash him , Diab got the world Music award for the middle east several times1 before and probably will get one this year for his albums’ sales and thus we find Tamer Hosni claiming that he received even bigger award from the States . Hosni says that he got the Big Music award2 as the Legend of the century !!!!!!!! Oddly enough the 21st century has not finished yet so we can say that he is the real legend of the century worldwide or not !!?

These are the memorable quotes of Tamer Hosni in this interview , man I remember how he used to sing in Salma El-Shama’a’s shows in what was used to be Nile Variety channel3

I am not only a singer , I am singer, poet, composer, screenplay writer , producer and director if you have an award for all this , then welcome !!

Minister Farouk Hosni told me that I am the son of Egypt , we are so happy with that awards and we are going to honor you !!

Tamer Hosni was found guilty of escaping the mandatory military service where he stayed a whole year in the military jail because of it from couple of years ago !!  Not to mention I wonder when and where this conservation took place !!??

I can do a film for festivals4 but not now , I will do film for festivals on the condition that it is commercial , what is the use of presenting a film with important message directed to the intellectuals !!?? the intellectuals already know this sort of talk !!

And The jewel of crown is this quote that should be for the real the quote of the week :

I prefer to declare my artistic or humanitarian views because I know people will imitate me, I prefer to keep my political views to myself ; in addition I do not know anything about the candidates and thus I can’t say my views because then I will be holding the responsibility of the 80 million who will elect the candidate I endorse.

The king of his generation answers a question about his opinion in Mohamed ElBaradei’s presidential candidacy.

1. There are dangerous conspiracy theories that singers buy these awards !!
2. Ironically Diab got this award last year !!!!!
3. When Khalid Abu Naga left modeling to be a TV host before becoming an actor and a political activist afterwards.
4. “Film for festival” is a term used to describe the films that find success in international film festivals and at the same time failure in the box office because their message is difficult to be interpreted by regular movie goers. The best example for these films are late Youssef Chahin’s films 


  1. Me too I remember him in Salma elshamaa 's show...he used to sit aside totally neglected for long time before the presenter called him to sing something the guest seeks...!!! I swear I saw it myself....!!!!

  2. I Love You Tamer!!!


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