
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The True Face

And today down town Cairo witnessed that march of MBs and other activists , the march that was sabotaged or rather cracked down by the security forces turning it in to a protest , a violent protest of course from their side.
Last Saturday the ministry of interior announced its rejection to that march in solidarity with the minimum wages raise demand , the march was to be from Omar Makram mosque to the parliament. This rejection was expected for the following reasons :
1) It was organized by the opposition figures in the country including MBs
2) The ministry of interior has never and will never approve a march like this !!
I know that the organizers of this march knew very well that ministry of interior would reject their march specifically but they decided to take the legal path and to have it either ways. I believe that the march organizers thought that after the blunder of Kassas and the embarrassment he caused to the NDP and the regime worldwide , the ministry of interior would think twice before doing their usual thing in protests but they were wrong.

They thought that the march would reach to the parliament peacefully crossing Al Tahrir square because the police forces let yesterday’s protest go smoothly for most of the time , well they have to think again because the police forces think twice before attacking laborers protesting as the Mahalla left bad memory for sure  , yet they will not think twice in attacking political opposition figures.
Today the Egyptian activists were attacked brutally by the police forces , Gamila Ismail was beaten by the Policewomen whose role is getting bigger unfortunately in the wrong direction. Bothyna Kamal was on the verge of abduction by the State security despite the policewomen expressed their admiration with her beauty according to those who attended the protest !!
The clashes started when the MBs went to the parliament to present their demands to the speaker of the people's assembly leaving the protesters to be squashed by the security forces in a behavior that raises many question marks.
Here are couple of photos from international news agencies showing how violent it was

Now videos from Ahmed Abdel Fatah

From the fantastic Sarah Carr's camera

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