
Monday, May 10, 2010

vimov And The technology behind the iPad success

I really love the hope that this country gives from time to time , I remember when the iPad was revealed how the Egyptian comments in the news websites were depressing on how the world outside is advancing where as we are standing still
Well all those commentators and even me did not know that there is a small Egyptian software developing company in Alexandria that is behind the booming of iPad applications in a very short period.
Vimov is the name of the software developing company that was founded in Alexandria in 2007 and in 2010 the small company in Egypt's summer capital in the past is on the verge of global competition thanks to its iSimulate.
iSimulate is an application that helps developers to tailor their applications for both iPhone and recently iPad , the application met a huge success with the release of iPad as the new Apple's gift to the world became a sensation of its own developers needed an application like iSimulate to create new apps as soon as possible.
After few weeks of iPad launch , more than 10,000 copies have been downloaded and were being used to build the most popular and successful iPad applications in a very short time. Already the company has managed to create one of iPad's top applications worldwide : Weather HD For iPad
It is really great and wonderful. I wish all the success for Vimov and its wonderful staff.


  1. And even the gov, which you hate so much, may be helped them.

  2. I am not trying to undervalue Vimov, but the title of this post is misleading, they are not behind the success of iPad, they were clever enough to offer a simulation solution before any other simulation available, this is a helpful step for developers, but not for iPad and not for Apple.

    Sorry but I feel you mix things when it comes to Technology.


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