
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cablegate And Egypt : Prince Of Qatar’s Quick Visit

Prince of Qatar paid a very quick surprising visit to Egypt yesterday evening. It was a a surprise two hours visit that was described by some sources in Cairo international air port as “Private” according to Al Masry Al Youm newspaper.That quick surprising short visit comes in less than a week from Mubarak’s visit to Doha.
I do not know if the Cablegate of Wikileaks has something to do with that visit or not , we should not forget that according to the cables Mubarak and his men attacked Qatar to the level of accusing it of supporting the insurgents in Yemen where Prince Hamid complained a lot about Egypt to Sen. Kerry earlier this year.
Some will say that it could be a visit for economic proposes as Rashid Mohamed Rashid , the minister of trade was in the farewell of the prince at the CIA but .. I do not know the timing is very interesting.
It could be economic and political visit at the same time just like Mubarak’s visit, Mubarak for sure did not go to Doha only to ask for Al Jazeera’s mercy ,he went for other reasons like for instance gaining some sort of support for him and his son plus attracting new investments in Egypt. There is a new page between the two countries for sure like what Mubarak had said in his short historical statements in Al Jazeera.
That new page is being stained by the ugly cables of the U.S embassies in Cairo and Doha.
For the record unlike the Iraq war logs , Al Jazeera ignored the latest Wikileaks release speaking about it generally without going too deep in the content of the cables or even hinting from near or far that Qatar had its share there.
Update : 
Officially the prince of Qatar came to Egypt to present his condolences to the family of his late former teacher who taught him geography and history from 50 years ago !!!  It is very touchy and I am moved. May Allah bless the soul of that teacher. 

1 comment:

  1. Al Ahram has already said in its first page that the Emir was in Cairo to pay tribute to a childhood teacher who passed away recently.


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