
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Was Egypt Involved In The Murder Of Namnam !!?

The assassination of Mohamed Namnam on November 3rd was more of straightforward political common assassination in Palestine or in Gaza to be specific : Israel assassinated a leading figure in a Palestinian militant group.
Mohamed Namnam was a member of a militia called “Army of Islam” that some analysts link to Al Qaeda.
Now Time magazine is saying that Egypt has a hand in Namnam’s assassination as the later was planning to launch an attack on the American peacekeeper troops in Sinai. According to Karl Vick , the Time’s correspondent in Jerusalem the Egyptian intelligence provided the Israeli counterparts with information that led to the assassination of  Namnam “marking a level of Egyptian cooperation not seen by Jewish state in years” as magazine describes it !! Well may be because in the past years the Israeli intelligence was and is still considering a nemesis to the Egyptian intelligence. There was no confirmation or denial in the report from Egypt.
A very dangerous accusation indeed and I will not be surprised to find Egypt denying officially any involvement in this operation. The announcement of that deadly cooperation can affect negatively on the role Egypt plays in the national dialogue between the Palestinian groups and militias. I will not speak about the reaction of that report in Egypt because simply I doubt that it will make it to the mainstream media even if it is completely fake and untrue. The news has made it to the social media and the season of hunting down the ugly Egyptian is on.
The Arab press has already spreading the news in an attempt to defame Egypt and make it uglier then it looks in the Arab media as a partner in the Gaza siege…etc. Unfortunately the official denial from Egypt will not convince our brothers in the Arab world
If you believe this report and the Israelis in general , you will have to wonder how the Egyptian intelligence trust the Israelis when their officials brag that they infiltrated Egypt in the past years like no other country in the region !! 
I do not trust the Israeli government or its army in any way and I believe personally that if there are so-called terrorist groups with an eye on Sinai , they are being moved by the Mossad strings , already last week Fouad Allam accused the Mossad of being behind the threats to Egyptian Christians in the country, those who know really the founding father of state security knows that he is not speaking form air not to mention he is loyal to the Egyptian regime and is not from anti-Zionist opposition by any chance !! 
For the record not all what is published in Time magazine is true , not all what is revealed by security sources especially in Israel is true.

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