
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Elections 2010 Follow Up : The Big Day Is Here “Updated”

The big man voted
“The biggest elections in the history of Egypt” as described in Al Ahram newspaper today , strangely as far as I remember every election is described by the regime media as the greatest , the biggest and far most important elections in Egypt !! May be because our population is growing by time and this is why our elections this year are the biggest, I do not know !!
The regime promised a democratic clean election in a way that forces us to ask : What about the previous elections.
Up till now all the news is depressing , really depressing with all the thuggery , the cheating and the hacking to websites. From North to South reports coming to the internet that committees are being closed , ballot cards are already in the boxes, there are empty committees that have not opened their doors.
First of all there are several websites that have been banned in Egypt including the official websites of the Muslim brotherhood and Shahid 2010. The websites are working outside Egypt by the way.
Here is the full list of the websites :
The ANHRI has published a list of proxies to browse these websites from inside Egypt. Yes proxies.
Second of all the Nadeem center has documented so far 150 violence incident and one murder so far in Mataria. There is a MB Candidate who is being hospitalized currently after being attacked by the NDP thugs.
The Al Jazeera crew in Suez was attacked and its cameras were confiscated !! As expected the NDP candidates are fighting each other in the same committee. The Zombies are voting again.
Third the NDP accused the BBC of defaming Egypt and spreading rumors !!
More updates to come.
You can follow the hash tag of elections #egyelections. You can follow also U-Shahid and Abo Blash
Updates :
  • I can’t keep up with all the clashes and cheating currently happened outside Cairo , there is a lot of jazz talking place in the country side in a disgusting way !!
  • One of the main complaints today was the the fact that delegates of the candidates “ MB and independent” are not allowed to enter the polling stations to monitor it. Bothina Kamal was no allowed to enter the polling station to represent Gameela Ismail and guess what the security took from her the delegation proxy !!
  • Here are videos showing how the delegates are not allowed to the polling stations
In Badrashin–The delegates of Muslim brotherhood candidate
In Gharbia–The MB delegates not allowed in the polling stations
  • Here is a video from Osssim, 6th of October Governorate showing voters this time not allowed to enter their polling station to cast their votes as they should. “reportedly happened in several areas across the country”
Voters not allowed to enter the polling station–Ossim
  • Clashes in Shubra , Cairo where it is reported that Wafd candidate businessman Ramy Lakh is giving LE 100 per the vote !!
  • According to DNE photographer in Port Said votes prices are ranging from LE 50 to LE 300
  • NDPian Akram Kartam is reportedly distributing bribes on the voters in Maadi.
  • NDPian Ahmed Shobeir is reportedly distributing bribes in Tanta !!
  • Here are videos showing thug terrorizing people in Mansoura , committee no.1. Strangely there was a police vehicle in the scene !!You can see the swords in the second video. The thugs according to the one who upload these videos were attacking the Muslim brotherhood supporters.
Thugs in Mansoura , parliamentary elections 2010
Thugs attack Muslim brotherhood
Updates#2 :
  • According to several eye witnesses , the voters who promised to vote for the NDP were let in the polling stations while the voters who said that they would not vote for the NDP were not let in .
  • The Egyptian Private TV channels do not cover anything , this is more than a news talk show event I am afraid !!
  • Thousands in Suez are currently having a sit in in front of the Suez Suez directorate for not allowing the delegates to go in to the polling stations. There are photos from the sit in from Suez Online website.
  • Al Masry Al Youm reporter in Helwan was threatened by minister Siyad Mashal of military production because the website of Al Masry Al Youm published the photo of his rival Mustafa Bakery alone !! Siyad Mashal told the reporter that she would see who Siyad Mashal was after the elections !!
  • Al Masry Al Youm reporter Ghada Abdel Hafez filmed the thugs in Dakhalia

أعمال «شغب» في دائرة مينا البصل بالإسكندرية
  • Pope Shnouda III has voted for the Wafd candidate in Shoubra Ramy Lakh
  • Thugs hurled two Molotov bottles at the voters in Qena at a women polling station !!
  • About 2000 citizens are protesting at the international highway in Burullus objecting the fraud in elections , I received news that Police is using live ammunition to crack down the protest. Those angry citizens are said to be from Hamdeen Sabhi supporters.
  • Some activists are invalidating their vote by writing down the name of Khaled Said whose symbol is victim in their ballot cards. Source : We are Khaled Said group
Their candidate is Khaled Said. 
  • More videos and this time we got violence against women and clear cheating caught on camera
The fat vulgar ladies are the women thugs
Election fraud in Polling station El-Hadidy school committee no. 27 in Faraskur , Damietta
In Faraskur polling station no.26 where the ballot boxes were already full with ballot cards amazingly  before the voters were let in !!

Here is the testimony of a MB woman delegate who speaks on how she was attacked by the thugs at the polling station !!
Updates #3 

  • Here is the photo of minister Mashal bribing the citizems in Helwan. Already Mustafa Bakery is reportedly angry and furious. "Source : Facebook" 
  • MP Hamdeen Sabhi has declared his withdrawal from the election in Burullus and Hamool due to the obvious electoral fraud that has been taking place since early morning . His supporters are furious and are trying to convince him not to do so. 
  • The head of Salah Salem school polling station , Cairo was forced to leave the polling station by the security after refusing to allow electoral fraud in his committee !! 
  • The head of another polling station in Tanta also was forced to leave the station by the security after refusing to allow electoral fraud in his committee !
  • The death toll of the elections increased from 2 to become 7 !! 
  • The latest reported victim was from North Sinai who was killed due to clashes between two NDP candidates in Sheikh Zowaid. 
  • I still do not have the full details of the victims of today except that first victim's name was 26 years Amr Siyad Siyad , the son of independent candidate Siyad Siyad in Mataria. The regime claims that Amr was not stabbed because of the elections or during the elections process but because he harassed a woman relative of his father's rival !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
  • The security is harassing journalists , the foreign reporters as far as I see are let to cover quiet and calm polling stations. 
  • Now to the videos of shame in this update :

NDP MP Abu-Hagy leads the fight with guns against his rival in Sohag , Upper Egypt !!

This is a polling station !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An electoral fraud attempt in Mataria where voters were not allowed to vote except after one hell of a fight.

Update#4 : 

  • So I went to vote and when I returned back I found out that the death toll increased between 11 to 13. I read that someone was killed in Alex and another one in Asuit, Upper Egypt.
  • The elections committee has cancelled the elections' results in several poll stations across the country. 
  • Mustafa Bakery has started a strike in a Helwan poll station protesting the electoral fraud. 
  • The new round of videos : 
  1. From Belbes , Sharkia in Delta official employees insides the polling station were casting the votes instead of the voters 

The names of these gentlemen are well known there : Mahmoud Ayoub, Ibrahim El-Foly, Atia Siyad Atia , Ahmed Riyan and Rageb Ghazli.

Here is another video from  Faraskur "I believe the elections committee should cancel the result of its committees anyhow". You can see in this video the respectable candidate Mohamed Abu Zaid while intimidating the citizens outside the polling station with a sword !!

And the polling stations should have been closed by now !! (7 PM)
  • All the Muslim brotherhood candidates have announced their withdrew from the parliamentary elections !!
  • Samira Ahmed regrets on participating in this awful war. 
Update#5 : 
  • According to the elections committee the turnout was 25% while according to the NGOs the turnout was 10%. Registered voters are 40 million by the way. 
  • Here is another video showing the electoral fraud , this time from Tanta where citizens found out about the fraud themselves in the polling station

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  1. ايه الحلاوه دي - ايه الجمال ده ، شئ حقيقى مشرف . يامدام زنوبيا ياريت نبطل مبالغه ، ده بعض التجاوزات البيسطه جدا لا تبطل العمليه الانتخابيه ، رشاش و سكاكين و سيوف ايه يعنى- عادى و للعلم اللى ضرب نار ده كان رمز المسدس يعنى اللى عمله قانونى و سلم لى على كمبوره

  2. The biggest elections in the history of Egypt” as described in Al Ahram newspaper today , strangely as far as I remember every election is described by the regime media as the greatest


  4. The NDP has won by 99.9999999 and the authorities are searching for the Son of a #@*&! number 0.0000001 who voted against them.

  5. كلنا شاهدنا حالات التزوير والتسويد الى جانب ارهاب الناخبين وشراء الأصوات، الى جانب أعداد كبيرة من البلطجية
    شارك معنا وكن اداة لمحاربة الفساد و الظلم و كن اداة من ادوات التغيير
    هو ويكي ليكس مصر وهو موقع الكتروني جديد يصدر في امريكا لمحاربة الفساد و الظلم

  6. wah sekarang tambah embed live stream TV One,


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